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Press Release / Education / My Approach & inspiration Aura Walker Hypnotherapy

My Approach & inspiration Aura Walker Hypnotherapy

By alex prop on September 19 2014 | 366 Views

Aura Walker Hypnotherapy Offered weight loss, quit smoking,social anxiety,ptsd,trauma hypnotherapy using hypnosis or hypnotherapy in LA (Los Angeles), Call to (310) 382-6313

Based on my desire to find a way to relieve human suffering in an age of short-term care, I have established that the most useful tool to send people off into the world with better coping devices is by raising a persons self-esteem during brief therapeutic counseling and hypnosis sessions.
Using counseling and hypnosis combined with body / mind relaxation and self-awareness techniques, I have been able to help people rid themselves of insecurities and past traumas with a very high success rate. I aid them in achieving their own healthy relationships, as well as financial, weight loss, smoking cessation and other personal goals.
The metaphors for my understanding of my therapeutic relationship to my clients are the healer as a martial artist bending with the flow of movement and cutting through to reach a source of clarity with which to light the way for the journeying wounded client. The archetype for the client is that of the journey of the hero. The hero or heroine is that of the fairytale protagonist who battles evil to overcome the ordeal, in order to live a wonderful life Certified Hypnotherapist Los Angeles.
My passion and irrepressible drive is to learn how the human mechanism works and what the most efficient manner is to address human suffering. I also strive to help people to overcome past, current, or ongoing personal pain in order to move forward and thrive.
My thirst for knowledge about all things mysterious, amorphous and existential has lead me through a journey of 20 years of deep searching and researching about how to best aid another in their process of healing. I even traveled across country to American Indian reservations and participated in healing ceremonies, to see how traditional American Indians heal their people of ailments including cancer. Hypnotherapist to the stars in Los Angeles What I learned is that by accompanying the client to the deepest source of their problem, I will find the key to releasing them from the hold of issues that they are battling. The illness or struggle itself holds the answers to the problems. In my counseling and hypnotherapy sessions, the transformative healing takes place when the client feels validated and when the conflict is released through deep relaxation hypnosis and body/mind techniques/exercises.
With children under the age of 10, I only do cognitive behavioral art therapy. It is unethical do traditional hypnosis with children under the age of 10. Childrens brains do not develop to understand cause and effect or complex reasoning before age 9. At age 10 children are most able to cooperate and submit to deep relaxation exercises. However my experience working with all ages spans more than a decade and my cognitive behavioral work has been very effective for healing both children and adults.
Call Now (310) 382-6313
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