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Press Release / Web sites / Internet / MORBiZ Releases New Content Guidelines for Boosting SEO

MORBiZ Releases New Content Guidelines for Boosting SEO

By delines47 on July 10 2020 | 548 Views

MORBiZ has established new internal guidelines to help grow customers’ website SEO.

The web presence professionals at MORBiZ have released new content guidelines to improve the search ranking of their customers’ websites. Quality content can enhance a site�s organic search engine optimization (SEO) value and traffic, but only if that content is well written, informative and consistently published. MORBiZ’s new guidelines add focus to keyword research, consistent publication, and originality for website content, blogs and social post creation to improve their clients websites. Ultimately, these new tactics allow MORBiZ clients to maximize the usefulness of their website for their own customers, as well as search engines determining query results.It has been determined that the most important aspect of creating quality content that will improve SEO worth is identifying what visitors actually want to see and read about on a site. Utilizing keyword research tools, conducting client surveys and getting first hand feedback from people who use a business’ website the most helps determine what new content should focus on. As topics for the content are determined, MORBiZ begins to build a content calendar. This document outlines day to day execution and scheduling of blogs, articles, social media posts and other items for their clients. This tool helps to remove gaps in publication. Knowing what content is going to be published and when will ensure consistency and quality, both of which are critical to improving a site�s SEO value.The world�s number one search engine offers suggestions for creating content that will maximize a site�s potential SEO value to boost organic search ranking. Ignoring these guidelines could render content worthless in terms of traffic growth. The basic guidelines from the search engine include creating content that is: - Useful and informative - More valuable and useful than other sites - Credible - High quality - EngagingDeveloping creative, thoughtful and consistent content can be a lot of work, but the effort is well worth it when it comes to improving website traffic. Unfortunately for many business owners, it can be tough to find the time to create such useful materials. That�s where MORBiZ steps in. Our web presence experts can provide original content creation for your entire website, and we maintain an ongoing blog that will help grow the site’s organic SEO value. If you�d like to learn more about how MORBiZ can boost your web traffic and your bottom line, give us a call at 1-855-266-7249 or fill out the contact form on our website and we�ll be in touch soon. We’d love to answer your questions and discuss several new features we’ve recently launched that will grow your revenue.

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