Press Release / Home & Family / Mold Expert Phillip Fry Offers Practical Advice To Employee Sick from Mold at Work
Mold Expert Phillip Fry Offers Practical Advice To Employee Sick from Mold at Work
By Phillip Fry on September 22 2014 | 772 Views
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry recommends six action steps for an employee sick at work from exposure to elevated levels of workplace toxic mold.
Montrose, MI, September 21, 2014 -- I have been working in a mold infested office for nearly two years now. My Immediate supervisor and manager have both been trying to get help for nearly two years but upper management has denied us help. I work for a multibillion dollar corporation with terminals and offices all over the US and Canada, emailed a workplace mold victim to mold expert Phillip Fry on Sept. 21, 2014.
We have been told by inspectors that our office is completely saturated with black mold and should be replaced but we are still working in it. I have been sick for the last 2 years with numerous illnesses and have had to use vacation time or go with no pay. Do I have a justified case of gross negligence against my employer? I am tired of being sick and feeling horrible all of the time, continued the employees email.
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Frys emailed reply contained the following practical advice to the workplace-sick employee:
1. Your first step is to document with mold testing that your office is infested with elevated levels of toxic mold growth. You and your associates should use your own personal money hire a Certified Environmental Hygienist, Professional Industrial Hygienist, or Certified Industrial Hygienist to do a thorough mold inspection and testing of your office workplace.
2. If the hygienists report documents that you are working in an elevated level of dangerous, toxic mold species (in comparison to the hygienists outdoor mold control test), mail the report via certified US mail to the president or chief executive officer of your company, your local building inspector, your local health department, your states occupational safety and health agency, and to your local newspaper, radio, and TV stations. You will get quick and meaningful results from after you have notified all of these contacts.
3. Please note that it is a violation of both federal and most states laws for an employer to fire or otherwise punish an employee who is a whistle blower about an environmental or safety danger at work. Fired or disciplined whistle blowers can collect large legal damages by suing an irresponsible employer that takes such illegal retaliation.
4. To learn about your legal rights as a workplace mold victim, consult with a local attorney who specializes in mold litigation. Type the name of each nearby major city plus mold attorney into the search window of a major search engine to locate mould lawyers in your area.
5. You can also learn all about prosecuting and defending mold legal claims by reading Phillip Frys 400 page ebook Mold Legal Guide, available for email attachment delivery from
6. Learn all about the top 100 mold-related illnesses on the home page of and from reading Mr. Frys ebook Mold Health Guide.
To schedule mold inspection and testing of a workplace, commercial building, or home in most areas of the USA, contact--
Arizona, California, and Nevada. Certified Environmental Hygienist Lee Maglanoc. Phone 602-757-1918. Email: Website: and
Midwestern, Eastern, and Southern USA. Phillip Fry. Phone toll-free 1-866-300-1616, 810-639-0523, or cell phone 480-310-7970. Email: Website:
Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, Michigan 48457
Phone Toll-Free 866-300-1616 or 810-639-0523
Cell Phone 480-310-7970
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