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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Michael Sinel Shares Different Approach to Back Pain

Michael Sinel Shares Different Approach to Back Pain

By Michael Sinel on September 24 2016 | 410 Views

Dr. Michael Sinel shares a different approach to treating back pain that does not involve surgery, medication, or physical therapy.

Dr. Michael Sinel shares a different approach to treating back pain that does not involve surgery, medication, or physical therapy. The approach, which is pioneered by his mentor John E Sarno MD, is purely psychological and revolves around positive thinking.

Dr. Sinel is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and is currently an attending physician at the UCLA Spine Center. Featured in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and other national radio and television programs, he provides lectures nationally and has authored various scientific papers. Dr. Michael believes in this new psychological approach to treating back pain, and has been sharing it to pain sufferers who cannot seem to find a solution to their pain problem.

According to his mentor, in cases where there is no injury or disease involved, the pain felt by patients is real but the cause may just be in the patient’s own mind. Patients may be causing their own pain unconsciously, says Dr. John, and that this pain may be the brain’s reaction to stress, anger, fear or any other negative or unacceptable feelings that the patient is experiencing. Rather than facing this feeling, the brain may redirect the patient’s attention by producing the blood flow to certain parts of the body, causing pain. This pain then distracts the patient from his or her unacceptable feelings. To learn more about his professional career, visit:

Dr. Sinel adds that in situations where abnormalities have been found in the body by doctors or other specialists, it could be that these abnormalities are not what’s causing the pain, and that these may be completely normal abnormalities and may not necessarily have a huge effect on the body. The pain the patient is feeling may not be related to them at all.

Determined to help pain suffers treat their back pain, Dr. Sinel provides 3 hour lectures that direct patients on how to get rid of their pain. He works on leading patients to what they may be angry about or the cause of the unacceptable feeling. He says that knowing that what the patient is suffering from is stress factors has great therapeutic power. Additionally, people can apparently overcome not only back pain but also other conditions without surgery, medication and exercise by convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with them, especially if there really is nothing wrong with them.

However, Dr. Michael notes that while this treatment works for many people, it should not be a substitute for a medical doctor’s diagnosis and treatment. There could still be an underlying cause to pain, and it is important to get it checked before it gets any worse. Discover more details about treating back pain by visiting:


About Michael Sinel

Dr. Michael Sinel is a reputable expert in back pain and spinal disorders. Board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, he finished his residency at Cornell University/New York Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He maintains a private practice in Los Angeles and teaches yoga and mindfulness meditation at the UCLA School of Medicine as an Associate Professor.

Michael Sinel
Address: 1441 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404, United States
Phone: (310) 393-2225

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