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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Meehl Foundation Scholarships for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Meehl Foundation Scholarships for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

By Debra Meehl on November 18 2013 | 319 Views

Four $7,500.00 scholarships for residential Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Brazoria, TX, November 18, 2013 - The Meehl Foundation has four $7,500.00 scholarships available for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment. These four scholarship can be applied to the total cost of residential BPD treatment which is usually $34,800.00 reducing the cost to $27,300.00 for a 90 day stay at the Meehl House. The Maureen J Meehl Bipolar/BPD Foundation is a 501c3 foundation that receives donations throughout the year. Maureen J Meehl was a young mother with four young children when her life was cut short. Special consideration for young mothers with children will be given for these scholarships.

Borderline Personality Disorder is a maladaptive coping style that has up to an 87% success treatment rate using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Basically, DBT maintains that some people, due to genetic predisposition and environment, react abnormally to emotional stimulation. Their level of arousal goes up much more quickly, peaks at a higher level, and takes more time to return to normal. The essential feature of Borderline Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. People with BPD experience intense abandonment fears and inappropriate anger. Their frantic efforts to avoid abandonment may include impulsive actions such as cutting, burning, self-mutilation and suicidal behaviors. Some people with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. BPD often occurs together with other psychiatric problems, particularly bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and other personality disorders.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is the gold standard treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder and new studies show that it is also effective in Bipolar Disorder. The #MeehlFoundations’ Intensively trained DBT Team will give special consideration to applicants with children who have sustained some trauma or have PTSD. Paying it forward for the next generation is what these scholarships are about. Any person applying for the scholarship must meet the DSM !V criteria for BPD without psychosis. All candidates must have a willingness to change, make a 90 day commitment to the program, and be willing to see a psychiatrist and follow a treatment plan. Applicants my contact the Meehl Foundation at, to request an intake application, once selected a $2000.00 deposit holds a position until December 31, 2013 of this year.

Debra Meehl speaks at national conferences around the U.S. on the topic Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder with Substance Abuse. She teaches, works, and lives the Dialectical Behavioral principles, while operating The Meehl Foundation. The Meehl House is the only residential treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder that is an Amen Brain Healthy Program. Clients benefit from an individual plan for a holistic balanced approach to mental wellness with psychological testing and assessment, medication management, hypnosis, acupuncture, hair follicle testing for vitamins and minerals, hormone balancing, and nutritional counseling. Most important, clients learn how to take back and create lives that are fulfilling and rewarding.

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