Press Release / Education / Main limitations of online education
Main limitations of online education
By Geek education on November 10 2015 | 448 Views
No one can deny that the internet and online education have got great and positive information since the advantages that come with it are so many. Some of them include the lower cost and flexibility
No one can deny that the internet and online education have got great and positive information since the advantages that come with it are so many. Some of them include the lower cost and flexibility especially when linked to clases online. However, in the real world we usually find that, most individuals still prefer the traditional method of learning over online studies. We cannot connect this to ignorance since we all know that most individuals avoid the drawback that can be connected to it. This is when comparing both traditional classroom education and clases online education. Some of the main limitations that are connected to online education include the following; most online schools lack accreditation and also give low quality output. One should verify if the school where he or she wants to take clases online is in the list of accredited schools on the NEA website.
Most clases online from schools that are not accredited do not meet clases particulares as per the curriculum that meets the standard. Most established universities and legitimate schools and some online schools usually provide accredited clases online as well as the information required to know on accrediting. Any degree that is earned from a school with no accreditation is worthless and thus should be avoided as much as possible; presence of little or no face to face interaction – in most cases the physical presence of the tutor usually lack especially in a case where video conferencing is used and thus building relationships with the instructor as well as with the students will require more effort in online environment. Though the clases particulares may be the same, usually online classes require extra amount of work to be done.
These works include reading, research and the number of assignments that need to be done when compared to the traditional classes. This is so because students need to prove more that they have mastered the material given. There is also an intense requirement of self-discipline –time management and organization skill needed to keep performing the required task, for instance a topic in matemáticas, against the other priorities in life may be difficult. This means that any attempt to procrastinate can lead to great problems since there certain duration set for each course. In traditional classes, one is usually advised on how to plan ones course, and there is the provision of all the course requirements while in online studies, one need to look for a lot of information in order to make sure that they are taking the right classes for their degree.
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