Press Release / Health and Fitness / Lymphoedema Sufferer Reports Back - It’s Good News All The Way With Weekly Use Of The PhysioPod
Lymphoedema Sufferer Reports Back - It’s Good News All The Way With Weekly Use Of The PhysioPod
By Mary Fickling on October 01 2014 | 396 Views
PhysioPod UK happily receive weekly feedback from Lymphoedema sufferers self-managing with their Personal DEEP OSCILLATION units.
Nottingham, England, October 01, 2014 -- PhysioPod UK happily receive weekly feedback from Lymphoedema sufferers self-managing with their Personal DEEP OSCILLATION units. This week Janet provided her update, with the wonderful news that not only did the swelling in her arm and hand not increase during the Summer months (as she had been warned), it actually reduced with the weekly use of her PhysioPod.
"Hi Julie
It’s been sometime since I last wrote to you so I thought it was about time I gave you an update on how I’m doing with the Physiopod.
It’s good news all the way! I have recently been back to the Lymphoedema clinic where they had warned me earlier in the year that the ’swelling will get bigger during the summer’ so it was a wonderful surprise to find out that the swelling in my arm had not only NOT got bigger but had reduced over the whole arm and hand. I knew that things were improving when the need to wear my compression sleeves and gloves had reduced significantly. The improvement was so good that the Lymphoedema Clinic has said that they will sign me off from the clinic next year if things stay the same or improve even more!
I still the use the machine every week (but not every day) and I still get instant relief and swelling reduction. I haven’t had to wear a compression sleeve to work for months!
I’m so pleased with the fact that the swelling is being kept to a minimum and life is more ‘normal’ for me now. Obviously I will always have to take care of my lymphoedema arm but with the help of my Physiopod things are certainly a lot easier.
Many thanks again.
Best wishes
About PhysioPod® UK:
PhysioPod® UK Ltd (approved NHS Suppliers) are now in their 8th year of trading. Directed by sisters, Julie Soroczyn and Mary Fickling, PhysioPod® exclusively supply the UK and Ireland with internationally patented DEEP OSCILLATION®. Non-invasive, non-traumatic, electrostatic impulses are delivered through vinyl gloves or applicator heads that also enable self-management of Lymphoedema/Lipoedema/Arthritis/Fibromylagia and other occupational conditions and sporting injuries. Gentle impulses permeate an 8 cm depth through all tissue layers; skin, sub-coetaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels, with clinically proven effects in the connective tissue.
The deep resonant vibrations cause a systematic attraction and release of the tissues activating the body’s lymphatic system, making it the tool of choice for many MLD practitioners/NHS clinics and hospices. Defined as a ‘state-of-the-art’ therapeutic technique (no heat, no electrical stimulation and safe over implanted pins and plates) this intermittent therapy can also be found at The Portland Hospital for Women and Children, in elite sporting backrooms (football, rugby, cricket), with Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Massage Therapists. Many Equine therapists are delighted to add this tool to their techniques too with horses very accepting of the technique. Used Day 1 post-surgically, it significantly reduces pain, swelling, bruising, removing excess cellular matter, fluids and protein solids from the tissue, promoting mobility and sensitivity, in a much quicker time frame than has previously been possible with conventional therapies resulting in less and smoother scar tissue.
Mary Fickling
PhysioPod UK Limited
Sherbrook Road
Daybrook, Nottingham, NG5 6AS
01159 167 685
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