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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Liposuction In Beverly Hills

Liposuction In Beverly Hills

By Drordon on October 31 2013 | 391 Views

Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are available to provide all new patients with a satisfying liposuction experience.

Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are available to provide all new patients with a satisfying liposuction experience.These Beverly Hills doctors see patient after patient, walk out of their offices, satisfied with the body they always wanted.

People who are coming into this office for liposuction are learning that not all plastic surgeries are for cosmetic purposes. The doctors and staff at Ordon Chopra Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery are contacted by many patients who are seeking a change for medical reasons, as well. Whether its cosmetic or to solve a condition, the best course of action is to be informed, know the final goals, andunderstand the benefits of the liposuction surgery.

Primarily, liposuction is used to improve how a person looks, instead of providing any health benefits. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating right and exercising, may be enough to keep a persons body in shape. Liposuction is a procedure to turn to if the person does not achieve the desired results with a healthy lifestyle change. For many patients who come into Dr. Ordon and Dr. Chopras Beverly Hills office, the issue for them are areas of fat that are unfortunately resistant to exercise and diet.

If you are someone who cannot lose weight using conventional options, liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in isolated areas. The amount of cells removed from a specific area depends on the desired goals as well as the amount of fat. The final results from liposuction can last long, as long as the patient maintains a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Liposuction is also used to treat several medical conditions. For example, some patients come to Beverly Hills to treat Lymphedema, a chronic condition in which excess fluid collects in tissues, causing swelling.

People change something about their body for health and self-conscience. Self esteem helps prevent extra anxiety and increased depression. Come into the offices of Dr. Ordon and Dr. Chopra in Beverly Hills for your initial meeting.


Andrew Ordon, M.D, F.A.C.S
Ritu Chopra, M.S, M.D

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