Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Life’s Limitless Possibilities Captured in Photographs
Life’s Limitless Possibilities Captured in Photographs
By Lisa M. Umina, Publisher on July 29 2013 | 697 Views
Not Even the Sky is the Limit showcases the abilities of children and adults with Down Syndrome.
Houston, TX (USA), July 29, 2013 -- Not Even the Sky is the Limit showcases the abilities of children and adults with Down Syndrome. Created by Denise Zarrella, who was inspired by her daughter Gianna, the book is filled with color photographs of children and adults “doing everything everyone else does.” The author learned during pregnancy that the baby she was carrying had Down Syndrome. She advocates the philosophy that life’s possibilities are limitless with the right attitude.
Photographs throughout Not Even the Sky is the Limit feature people dancing, painting and sewing; playing soccer, golf and tennis; fishing and leading cheers; riding bikes, walking dogs and showing ponies. The cover features a man parachuting from a plane.“I wanted to give people a positive message about people with disabilities,” Zarrella said. “These are not throwaway lives.” The author said her idea for Not Even the Sky is the Limit came from a beautiful ABC book she received in a care package when Gianna was born.
“It featured children with Down Syndrome, and they looked happy and well-adjusted. The book gave us hope for our daughter,” Zarrella said. She and her husband, Tony, naturally were discouraged and scared at first, but they received support from the Upside of Downs organization and other parents. “Plus, I’m an eternal optimist, so I couldn’t give up hope that my daughter could do things everyone else does.”
Not Even the Sky is the Limit became a labor of love and a powerful journey for Zarrella as she listened to other parents. “Each one had a different story to tell about their children. And, I can’t say enough about the families who believed in this book and so graciously shared their beautiful children with me and my photographer.”
Published by Halo International Publishing ( ), Not Even the Sky is the Limit offers insight into what people “can do,” said Publisher Lisa Umina. “It is a hopeful book of photographs to remind people to focus on abilities instead of disabilities,” she said.
Zarrella wants to get the book into doctors’ offices and share it with as many people as possible to raise awareness about Down Syndrome. A portion of proceeds from Not Even the Sky is the Limit will be donated to organizations that improve the lives of people who live with Down Syndrome.
Born in The Poconos, Pennsylvania, the author is an anchor and reporter for WOIO/WUAB television in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a graduate of Moravian College in Bethlehem, Penn. Her husband is Sports Director at the same television station and the couple has two children, Gianna and Anthony. To reach Zarrella, e-mail her at or call (216) 214-1252. To order copies of Not Even the Sky is the Limit visit
Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
AP #726 / P.O. Box 60326
Houston, TX 77205-0326 - USA
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