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Press Release / Health and Fitness / LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports On Civil Rights Violations In American Healthcare

LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports On Civil Rights Violations In American Healthcare

By Paul Vescio on June 27 2020 | 499 Views

LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports On Civil Rights Violations In American Healthcare And What Patients And Family Members Can Do About It

Phoenix, AZ, Jun 27, 2020 -- LaTribuna Christian Publishing CEO Chaplain Paul Vecsio is quoted saying, “Most people do not know what to do if they have a loved one in a nursing home, care center, medical rehab or hospital and are being denied visitation. Most people including myself think that when these things happen, we have to go out and find a high-priced attorney in order to resolve the issue.

Right now most healthcare providers are not allowing visits by family members or by members of Clergy. This has added unnecessary stress onto the patients and their family members. As a Volunteer Community Chaplain, I have also been locked out of the facility where I serve our Lord. I began to investigate what my options where concerning these matters.

I contacted the Arizona Attorney General’s Civil Rights Division and was able to talk with a Civil Rights Compliance Officer. The officer whose name is Jessy was very helpful and informative. Jessy explained that it is indeed a violation of a patient’s civil rights when certain requests have been denied, such as receiving visits by members of Clergy for bedside prayer and receiving last rights. If a family makes these requests for their loved one who may be incapacitated that is also a violation of their civil rights.

If you have a loved one who is a patient in American healthcare right now and who has been denied visits by at least one family member and or has been denied visits by a member of the Clergy, that family can contact the Civil Rights Division in their state and file a complaint. The Civil Rights Division will help in these matters for FREE and through arbitration will fight in getting your loved one visits by at least one family member and by Clergy like Priests, Pastors or Chaplains. That is the process in a nutshell. We as a suffering nation cannot continue to just sit idly by and hope things get better. Our elected officials working side by side with American healthcare providers have got to create a pathway to safe visitation for at least one properly screened family member who could come in and visit for at least two hours a day twice a week. A visitation plan that is safe and fair for all parties involved. It is time for action, please contact your elected officials and explain to them that family members and members of the Clergy are very ESSENTIAL in maintaining the loving and Spiritual care that is vital in ensuring a healthy mind, body and soul and in maintaining a positive attitude and good mental health. Family members and Chaplains help to ensure patient safety and ensure that our loved ones are receiving proper medical care and that their medical wishes are being honored.”

LaTribuna CEO Chaplain Paul Vescio was mentioned in a story about the necessity of Chaplains and family members in American healthcare. The story was published by Brianna J Frank of the Arizona Republic and posted on AZCENTRAL.COM. Here is the link to that story.

LaTribuna Christian Publishing supports acts of compassion, kindness, and love towards others, for more information please visit their websites.

LaTribuna Christian Publishing CEO Chaplain Paul Vescio

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