Press Release / Education / Latest Survey Shows that Any Tax Professional Studying for the RTRP Exam has a 99.1 Percent Success Rate with Fast Forward Academy
Latest Survey Shows that Any Tax Professional Studying for the RTRP Exam has a 99.1 Percent Success Rate with Fast Forward Academy
By matt6438 on September 14 2012 | 427 Views
Fast Forward Academy announces that any tax student studying for the challenging RTRP exam has a 99.1 Percent chance of passing (93Percent change of passing on the first attempt) using its online tax preparation course.
Since launching its real-time survey online to track the success of its RTRP tax preparation program five months ago, Fast Forward Academy has received nothing but positive feedback from its students. The most recent statistics from the survey show that 99.1% of students will pass the RTRP exam and that 93% will pass on the first try using Fast Forward Academy’s platform. This number has increased from last month, showing that more tax professionals are finding Fast Forward Academy’s system to be successful.
Fast Forward Academy’s reputation for quality education products is becoming increasingly known. To date, over 1,050 students have completed the survey, with 427 having already completed the RTRP exam. Of that number, 423 passed the challenging tax preparer test, 397 of whom did so on their first attempt. Only 9,000 people in total have passed the RTRP exam at a Prometric testing center according to the IRS at the New York tax forum.
The results of the survey are particularly pleasing to Fast Forward Academy President, Matt McBride, since they come directly from the students themselves. "By allowing for real-time, online data, we’re hoping to get a realistic picture of how effective our tax preparation course is, and since these positive statistics are coming directly from the students themselves, who are the most honest source of this type of information, we are proud to maintain the high standard that Fast Forward Academy has become known for." McBride continues, "Having a survey show that 99.1% of our students pass the RTRP exam adds credit to just how effective our courses are."
Results are being compiled by way of a real-time online survey, with every tax student who takes the RTRP course being contacted one month after they stop using the course. Participation is voluntary.
Click here to read more about the results of the pass rate survey
Click here to learn more about how Fast Forward Academy can help you pass the RTRP exam
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