Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Landmark Study Urges Immediate and Universal Affirmation of “The Right to be Creative
Landmark Study Urges Immediate and Universal Affirmation of “The Right to be Creative
By Efiong Etuk on May 31 2015 | 1809 Views
A body of knowledge no one thought or knew existed uncovers the authentic, inherently creative, but universally overlooked human essence
Blacksburg, Virginia, May 31, 2015 - An astonishing compendium and synthesis of creativity wit and wisdom brings humanity face-to-face with its innermost, but historically overlooked essence. In words that speak to the reader personally, deeply, and directly, Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature conclusively demonstrates:
The inherence of creativity in human nature and, therefore, its universal distribution.
The naturalness of creativity: a quality, ability, and “right” that exists by virtue of natural law, and that therefore is both universal and inalienable; a right inherent in the person as “a direct prerogative from the Infinite Will and Consciousness”; a right that is not contingent upon tradition, custom, belief, culture, or government.
The centrality of creativity in human life, i.e., its primacy among the forces that drive human behavior and shape people’s lives.
Actualization of one’s creative potential as the primary goal of life; “the healthiest and highest expression of human nature”; and “the optimal state of being.”
Widespread blockage of people’s creativity as the root of the global epidemic of meaninglessness, and the resultant social and psychological problems that are ruining the lives and destinies of countless millions of people around the world, traumatizing families and societies.
Analysis and interpretation of the insights that are brought together in Revealing the Truth about Human Nature resolves three persistent psycho-social, psycho-spiritual issues, with fundamental implications for the way humanity perceives itself, organizes society, and conducts affairs:
* What it really means to be human
* What a one’s life is all about
* What gives it meaning and enduring significance
The crux of Revealing the Truth about Human Nature and reasons for its writing are two and related: The first is to return humanity to the proper understanding of its authentic, quintessentially creative, nature. The second is to free mankind from obsolete self-perceptions that, clearly, are no longer serving it well – self-perceptions that are at the root of most social and psychological problems.
A global treasure, Revealing the Truth about Human Nature signals the beginning of a movement to reclaim humanity’s defining and most important quality – creativity; and necessarily, to formally recognize and protect that quality – The Right to Be Creative – in all existing and future charters of humanity.
The E-Book version of Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature, ISBN 9781622875160, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available online across e-book reading platforms.
The 428-page print version of Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature, ISBN 9781622875153, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers at*&destination=us¤cy=USD&binding=*&isbn=9781622875153&keywords=Creativity&minprice=&maxprice=&mode=advanced&st=sr&ac=qr
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About the Author
Dr. Efiong Etuk is founding director of the Global Creativity Network, a worldwide community of concerned individuals dedicated to the idea of a world in which everyone can be effective, creative, and successful. Proponent of the “Global Creativity-Consciousness,” “The Right to Be Creative,” “The Age of Creativity,” “Mass Creativity,” and the “Global Creativity ‘Marshall Plan,’” Dr. Etuk speaks and writes extensively on strategies for nurturing and engaging everybody’s unique abilities in the Great Work of building a viable and sustainable global civilization that is a befitting tribute to our generation and an enduring legacy to posterity.
For more Information about Revealing the Truth about Human Nature, contact, (540) 953-0685
Efiong Etuk
Global Creativity Network
403-2 Cedar Hill Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia
(540) 953-0685
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