Press Release / Computer / Knig Beer brewmaster Francis Knig announces new lineup of distinctive German beer.
Knig Beer brewmaster Francis Knig announces new lineup of distinctive German beer.
By oktoberf01 on October 11 2013 | 443 Views
Oktoberfest may have ended in Germany, but its just getting started at Knig Beer in America.
Boston, Massachusetts - October 9, 2013 Oktoberfest may have ended in Germany, but its just getting started at Knig Beer in America. It sounds kind of strange when I tell my German family were just starting Oktoberfest, but in America it make sense. Well go all the way till Halloween says brewmaster Francis Knig.
Francis Knig learned how to brew from his father Paul Knig when he was just 15, and has been brewing the familys coveted beer since 1975. Hes had almost 40 years to perfect the family brew, but he says no matter how much Ive learned about making the best beer in the world, there are some recipes you just dont change.
Knigs lteste berlieferung (the Oldest Tradition) pilsner uses the same recipe since its recipe was handed down by our great great grandfather in 1858. Other recipes have been tweaked over the years to create the perfect balance of crisp flavor and strength.
Knig says to celebrate the christening of his new beer, they will be supplying Knig beer to Oktoberfest parties across the country. Theyre sending selected cases to the parties in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, San Francisco with a hidden printed on the bottle.
Post a picture of the bottle on Twitter with your story and save the bottle. If you get one of the bottles, youll win 10 cases of Knig Beer! Good Luck!!
Francis Knig
(508) 591-3191
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