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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy Forums 5,000 Members Strong

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy Forums 5,000 Members Strong

By Ken Tamplin on December 04 2014 | 505 Views

More experienced singers and students often lend a hand to fledgling newer students and help to explain the concepts and practices that help vocal students to perfect their vocal techniques.

United States, December 04, 2014.The User Forums for the Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy are now serving approximately 5,000 users from all over the world.

As the Ken Tamplin vocal academy is growing daily in new vocal students, the community of singers continues to grow. Students at the KTVA Singers forums are finding that they are not alone in learning new cutting-edge vocal techniques.

More experienced singers and students often lend a hand to fledgling newer students and help to explain the concepts and practices that help vocal students to perfect their vocal techniques.

Trained and experienced KTVA Forum Moderators are also on hand to assist and explain the concepts covered in the KTVA singing courses. Vocal Coach Ken Tamplin himself makes visits to the site and answers questions and makes announcements about upcoming events.

There are sections of the forums that are accessible to non-students, that include general vocal information and discussion of current vocal events going on in the KTVA community. There are also extensive parts of the KTVA Forums that are exclusively for the use of both beginner and advanced KTVA Students. These areas are not accessible for public viewing, as the cover many aspects of the KTVA method.

You can visit the public area of the KTVA Forums by going to: There you can get an idea of the excitement and camaraderie of the students and moderators as they help one another to advance their vocal skills, to master the KTVA techniques, and to learn and perfect their performances on popular songs by their favorite artists.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy is based on centuries-old Bel Canto singing technique, but improved for application to the demanding requirements of modern popular music. There is no other vocal method using such refined methods in their teachings. KTVA is unique in this respect.

You can learn more about Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy by going to:

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