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Press Release / Environment / Intermountain Wind & Solar is aiming to help Utah homes sell power back to the grid

Intermountain Wind & Solar is aiming to help Utah homes sell power back to the grid

By windsolar372 on May 14 2013 | 547 Views

Installing a solar panel Utah is a sensible action. They pay for themselves in a fairly short period and thereafter are profitable in selling power back to the grid.

Sunlight is free and Utah has plenty of it. We have plenty of daylight hours to use and harnessing the power of the sun to use for more than just growing crops and giving us sunburn has been a dream for ever.

But that dream is now a reality! With modern advances in photovoltaic science and technology solar panels are able to efficiently, quietly and constantly convert sunlight into an electric current. Now these photovoltaic cells have been around for ages but always were very expensive and only gave a trickle of current. Often seen on the coach roofs of yachts which provided a steady trickle charge to the batteries.

But there have been major advances in the technology. Both the efficiency has increased and with the advantages of economy of scale the costs have come right down to become viable as an alternative to buying energy from the grid.

So what does need to effectively buy Solar Panels Utah? The first thing is preferably a roof with a Southern slope. An Eastern or Western slop will still work but the efficiency and thus the output will drop. Each set of panel of just over 100 square foot will produce in the region of 1.2 kilo Watt per hour (kWh) of power and something like 1,500 kWh per annum. If one checks ones annual fuel bill the chances are you use something in the region of 7,500 kWh Pa so effectively 500 square foot will produce enough power to make your house energy independent.

500 sq ft is a lot of roof space and of course the power is only generated when the sun is shining so solar panels Utah are generating lots of power during the day when the house is generally empty and none at night when everyone is home. The Wind And Solar Panels company has answers for that as well. Firstly you install a large battery bank and an inverter so that the batteries are charged by the residential solar panels while the sun is shining and the inverter supplies 110v A/c power to the house when the sun isn’t there.

In addition you will be connected to the grid so any excess power can be sold to the grid which is credited to your power account and then when required will supply power to your house. So while not eliminating the power bills entirely one finds that the credits and debits will greatly reduce depending on your solar panel installation.

The Intermountain Wind and Solar Panel company Utah also supplies and installs commercial solar panels and other renewable energy products thus using nature to supply power sources and cutting down the need for fossil fuel burning power stations.

Wherever you are living in this beautiful state why not harness the natural power of the sun and wind and reduce your power bills. The average installation will pay for itself in saving within 7 to 10 years and thereafter they are pure profit and an installation is warrantied for 25 years.

For more information, please visit

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