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Press Release / Environment / Unlocked Indian Webcam Chat Rooms Unlocked Indian Webcam Chat Rooms

By Steve on December 30 2015 | 805 Views, a popular chat forum that specifically caters to Indian webcam chat junkies, recently unveiled its latest chat rooms.


USA -, an online chat forum that has made it really big in the online adult entertainment industry, recently unveiled its Indian webcam chat rooms for web chatting fanciers. The owners of the online chat forum informed that the newly unveiled chat rooms will ‘make room for’ more male chat members. They said that the long-term objective of their internet-based enterprise is to become the number one chat community in this particular niche. is a chat community that has over five hundred make and female active members. The subscription based online webcam chatting community has mostly Indian female members and male members of different nationalities. The owners indicated that the number of members may increase in early 2016 with the introduction of the new chat rooms. They also added that few bugs have been fixed and the chat rooms do not display pop-up ads any more.

“Given the fact that many of our members access our online Indian webcam chat portal from their big screen mobiles and tabs, we have made the portal mobile-friendly so that users do not face issues with seeing the content of the portal. In addition to that, we have recruited some of the best Indian divas and upcoming models for making the online chat community really attractive for our male patrons”, said one of the co-founders and web administrators of the online chat portal.

He also maintained that despite of having a subscription-based revenue model, they allow their casual visitors to take a sneak peek at the chat rooms. “Though only members who register with us can visit the premium chat rooms, casual web visitors can also take a tour around the web portal and the newly launched chat rooms to get a feel of the chat rooms and the portal overall”, said a web marketing manager of the internet based enterprise. He also told that big discounts may be available from early next year. “We will go all out next year to woo our patrons next year. Regular visitors may expect huge discounts upon registration from early next year onwards”, he added during a press conference.

About the Company is an online chat forum dedicated to Indian cam enthusiasts.

To know more, visit

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