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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / India’s first kiss Contest "KISS FOR A CAUSE" to be launched for this Valentine’s Day

India’s first kiss Contest "KISS FOR A CAUSE" to be launched for this Valentine’s Day

By motisingh on January 21 2012 | 713 Views

India’s first kiss contest titled "KISS FOR A CAUSE" ia to begin on 10th Feb 2012.It is organized and sponsored by Bollywood film "Reality Show"

India’s first kiss contest titled "KISS FOR A CAUSE" is to begin on 10th Feb 2012.It is organized and sponsored by Bollywood film "Reality Show".Love has been always an integral part of human life. No one needs to preach us on love. We all know the bliss of love. Rightly so, to commemorate and rejoice

love, Valentine’s day is observed and celebrated on 14th February every year throughout the world.

Hence, with the objective of spreading message of love and togetherness. We invite one and all in India and the world over, to participate in this special and unique KISS CONTEST- "KISS FOR A CAUSE" .

The event is sponsored by the upcoming Bollywood film “Reality Show”, produced by Fyeo media Works.

The contest opens at 6:00 am (Indian time ) of 10th February 2012 and ends on 11 pm of 14th February 2012.

The Results will be declared on 20th February 2012.


There are two categories

1) Kiss category

2) Love category

1) KISS CATEGORY (Photo based )

All you need to do, is to send us, your best kiss photo in which you are the person.

The kiss can be both -Passion or Compassion. It can be a kiss with your lover and companion,

It can be a compassionate kiss with your near and dear ones other than your lover and companions .i.e parents, teacher, family or your pet.

2) LOVE CATEGORY (Story Based)

All you need is to send us your own story on your own love and how you won your love despite all odds.

Your story on the selfless love you showed to others, including the third unknown person, poor ,needy or animals.


Though this contest is organized as a symbolic event to show your support for valentine’s day, we have exotic prizes for this contest:

The Prizes are-

Ist prize in each category will get a free holiday trip to Paris

2nd prize in each category will get a free holiday trip to singapore

3rd prize in each category will get a free holiday trip to columbo


Ten consolation prize in each category will get Rs 5,000 each.


Kindly send your photographs and story with subject stating-Kiss photo or Love story along with your name , location,email id and contact number to

Email id:



1.There is just one rule,It should be your photo or your story in either category

2. No Pornographic materials allowed.

3. The winners will be decided by the team of upcoming Bollywood Film "Reality show".The decision of the judges are final.

4. The winner will be judged on the basis of most heart rendering passionate kiss or the most emotional and heart touching story.

5. The declared winners will get two tickets to the above described destinations for 5 days, inclusive of, food and stay.

Contest Dates

The contest opens at 6:00 am ( Indian time ) of 10th February 2012 and ends on 11:00 pm of 14th February 2012.

The Results will be declared on 20th February 2012.

The Winners will get to travel to the described destinations in April/May 2012.

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