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Press Release / Industry / igus produces injection-moulded special parts from printed mould

igus produces injection-moulded special parts from printed mould

By igus2013 on August 21 2017 | 440 Views

With custom-made 3D-printed injection moulding tools, igus offers users a new possibility to produce lubrication-free and maintenance-free parts and small batches.

Injection-moulded, printed or machined from bar stock – the motion plastics specialist igus offers customers a wide range of possibilities to obtain their lubrication-free parts such as gears or plain bearings quickly and cost-effectively. igus also offers the possibility to solve difficult technical challenges quickly by means of a 3D-printed mould – and now with all tried and tested iglidur materials. Since the production of injection moulds made of steel is comparatively expensive, takes longer and is only feasible in the production of large quantities, special Tribo solutions can be produced with a printed mould within 2 to 5 days with up to 80 percent cost savings in production and further, even small quantities can be produced. "A new process for the production of printed injection moulding tools now allows igus to make even more precise and long-lasting products," says Gerhard Baus, Authorised Officer of the Plain Bearings Division.

Produces small batches cost-effectively and quickly.
The material of the desired special solution always also determines the material and the manufacturing process of the printed mould. From an availability of 50 tribologically optimised and online computable iglidur materials, users are free to choose the right material for their special part; whether high-temperature or high-load application, igus has the right high-performance material. For example, iglidur G is an all-rounder, whereas iglidur X is recommended for long-term application temperatures of up to 250°C. Depending on the material chosen for injection moulding, the mould is produced by means of an appropriate 3D printing process and then immediately used in the injection moulding machine. Thus, simple special parts are ready for shipment within a few days. The special material structure of the printed injection mould ensures that it can withstand the high temperatures during injection moulding, which means that one mould can produce prototypes and small batches up to 500 pieces cost-effectively and quickly. The production of special Tribo parts by means of printed injection moulding tools is particularly advantageous if the desired material cannot be processed in the 3D printer or when the parts are used for a test which is intended to simulate as close as possible conditions for a later mass production. igus has already produced over 2,000 moving parts for its customers through printed injection moulding tools.

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About igus® India
igus® operations in India started in the year 1998 with head quarters in Bangalore. igus offers widest range of products that includes polymer bearings, igubal® Linear Motion Bearings , Plain Bearings and Bushing Accessories etc. which enable them to serve the whole industrial establishments in India from a small work shop to huge industrial establishments. Visit at -

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