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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / I am fully prepared to adopt ideas

I am fully prepared to adopt ideas

By MMOexpshop on January 11 2020 | 797 Views

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Let us assume their one server rent costs 10 GBP/hour. That is annually one server, under 90k. Let us push it. But let’s say Jagex has 150 individual servers leased. Every year 15m belongs (which actually isn’t that large, because I took pricing from compute-oriented server that is chiefly used for scientific calculations, machine learning, etc). More average use case server has pricing about half of the if less. Rent at Cambridge Science park (same location Jagex is at) is 300k/month for 12k sq ft area. Think Jagex has bit nicer building say 5m/year.

15m left for everything else. TBH idc how much Jagex spends on their lease, etc.. What disturbs me is just how much they spend on"growth" but we aren’t getting shit. Mod MTX maintained since it is too expensive, they can not give runemetrics expert to highest members. WTF nibba? You charge like 5 pounds per month for that thing? Are you telling me you store more than 200GB of information monthly per client?

I’m trying to be positive about it, and I think it’s important not to go ahead before they have a opportunity. However the things I’ll truly think from them are executed changes as they have done on these contentious issues within their history with more or less every promise and even then I’ll be skeptical of these fast slipping back to old habits. While I can understand the notion of using a flow feeling more open and I do worry somewhat that streams and discussions naturally come with more qualifiers and an awareness of view, making the statements less formal and concrete than if they were a written announcement.

It could potentially be a path for them to twist out of what is"discussed" or floated based upon the arrangement. But my cynicism, while born from from experience, doesn’t alter the fact that I am fully prepared to adopt ideas going and actually wish for the very best. Hopefully I’m wrong on all points in my first two paragraphs and we could move from simply protesting and nay-saying to pushing Jagex to start implementing (or maintaining) aspects of progress that they themselves have drifted as plausible. Actual progress is something precious although I am sure this will not be an end of things.

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