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Press Release / Health and Fitness / How To Overcome The Fear Of Death

How To Overcome The Fear Of Death

By stanpopovich on January 30 2014 | 403 Views

Why are so many people afraid of death? According to Author Stan Popovich, many people are afraid because they do not understand what death is and not knowing what will happen to them scares a lot of people.

Pittsburgh, PA, January 30, 2014---Why are so many people afraid of death? According to Author Stan Popovich, many people are afraid because they do not understand what death is and not knowing what will happen to them scares a lot of people. Understanding what death is crucial on how to overcome your fear of death. Author Stan Popovich explains:

1. Many people consider death as some final event, however they are wrong. Death should be viewed as a gateway or bridge between this world and God’s world (Heaven). When someone dies, they are simply leaving this world and crossing the bridge to God’s World (Heaven).

2. As you enter God’s World you will be at a place where all of your loved ones are at and where God and Jesus reside. It is a place of perfect happiness where everyone is together and gets along. You will reconnect with your loved ones that passed away before you.

3. The key is that a person needs to accept God/ Jesus in their lives before they die. The Bible says that if you reject God in your life and then you pass away, then God will reject you when your life is over. You do not get any second chances.

4. The fear is not death itself but what happens after you die. This goes back to the choices we make in our current life time. Accept God (Jesus) in your life and when you die you will go to a place of much enjoyment for all of eternity. Don’t accept God and you will be turned away. What happens next is anyone’s best guess and that is the scary part.

5. The choices you make now while you are alive will determine what happens after you die. Once a person dies, there are no second chances. Make the right choice that is best for you. Death is not final, but just a gateway that leads to Heaven. The choice we make now determines whether God will allow you to enter. Putting your faith in Jesus and God is the way of overcoming death.

Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods". Stan’s managing fear book has become very popular with over 250 positive book reviews and counting.

For information on this subject please contact Stan Popovich at

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