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Press Release / Technology / Hodusoft Launches Call Center to Help Modern Businesses Build a Superior Customer Experience

Hodusoft Launches Call Center to Help Modern Businesses Build a Superior Customer Experience

By Hodusoft Pvt. Ltd. on January 16 2019 | 248 Views

Hodusoft class leading call center software has now been morphed to work in business enterprises and help them deliver superior customer experience.

Hodusoft, a division of Ecosmob, has gained a name for its ready to go call center solutions powered by AI, WebRTC and omnichannel facility. Hodusoft has transplanted major features of its CC solution into a call center software package tailored to suit business operations.

Speaking on the launch, the company’s VP said that customer delight is at the core of advancement and communications are at the root of excellent customer interaction. “Our contact center software already had features that businesses need and we modified it keeping in mind business operations.”

The automatic call distribution feature now with AI elements, for instance, can handle incoming calls and route it to the right executive. Callers do not have to be put on hold or talk with the wrong person. When the executive returns the call he can see a display of the caller’s history. The caller is delighted with this smooth response.

Executive who find themselves in a position to call hundreds of people will love the predictive dialer an auto dialer facility and that they can set up smart lists of people to call and the system calls. He talks only when a human responds. It saves time and he puts in more efforts with the called person.

Hodusoft’s contact center software has elements of AI and big data incorporated into the omnichannel module. What this translates to is that enterprises can keep a finger on the pulse of what people are saying on social media and take the initiative rather than sit back and wait for customers to call. Twitter and Facebook integration allow this facility. That conversations on any one channel can be switched to another one is another feature to improve service that results in customer happiness. Omnichannel can be leveraged in other ways besides just responses; SMS can be used to send our offers, for instance.

The happiness increases even further when it becomes a virtual face to face meeting enabled by the inclusion of WebRTC. Customers enjoy video chats. More gets done since WebRTC permits onscreen display, sharing documents and video within video through a single interface. Better still, it can be done using mobile phones and no special software to be downloaded by caller. Executives can receive calls on their mobile or use mobiles to initiate WebRTC conversations.

Hodusoft CC solution works both ways. It can handle inbound traffic. It can be used to conduct sales campaigns or surveys. Enterprises that adapt CC over PBX will find more features and surprising ease of use. This is backed by analytics and reporting as well as call recording to improve quality of service. Happy customers recommend and buy again.

Hodusoft will be happy to guide enterprises on just how they can integrate contact center software purposed for business in their environment. They can opt for packaged option or a pay as you go model backed by support and training.

Interested businesses may get in touch with Hodusoft by phone on 91 79 48939393, 1-707-708-4638 or initiate live chat on

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