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Press Release / Technology / Hodusoft Introduces Multilingual IP PBX Software for Support Center

Hodusoft Introduces Multilingual IP PBX Software for Support Center

By hodusoft on February 21 2019 | 420 Views

Hodusoft’s recently introduced multilingual IPPBX software yet again gives it a leading edge over competitors in terms of feature excellence and ease of use.

Hodusoft, a unit of global VoIP technology drivers Ecosmob, announced multilingual IP PBX software for support centers, one of the several feathers in its cap when it comes to serving the service industry.

The VP of the company went into details of the multilingual capabilities of Hodusoft IPPBX software and reasoned why it is the best for international support centers. He gave various perspectives on the multilingual PBX software now on offer for support centers worldwide.

One side of support center operations is the caller side or customer experience side. Support centers may be global in nature and should be geared to receive and handle calls from a caller in any part of the world, using the caller’s language. Self service is usually the first port of call for a customer and this is one area where Hodusoft has integrated natural language APIs and language translation. The system identifies caller’s language from the country prefix and messages are switched to that language. If and when he is transferred to an agent he can continue in his native language. The agent may view translated language on the screen, speak and the AI powered translation is what the caller hears.

That is just one possibility. The other perspective, said the VP, is the internal operations of the support center using the IPPBX software. Most IPPBX solutions use English. CIS countries, Middle East, China, Japan and other Asian, South American and European countries may prefer the IPPBX to be available in their regional language for ease of use and to facilitate internal operations such as voice commands recognition, prompts, onscreen display, accounting and reports. Then there is the matter of accessing recorded calls for quality assessment and the person may speak only the regional language. IPPBX with multilingual capability may translate the recorded speech to his native language.

Hodusoft multilingual IPPBX is easy to setup. Administrators may choose bilingual as the main operational setup with choice in English and another regional language. When it comes to other languages, they have an entire list of global languages to choose from as may be required and the system automatically handles callers, by switching over to that language.

Support centers in countries where English is not the primary language had limited options and the lack of this facility not only hampers internal operations but also affects the customer experience. Hodusoft has resolved both aspects at one stroke in its superbly crafted IPPBX for support centers. Language poses no barrier and multilingual facility enhances efficiency and productivity. Coupled with the other features such as WebRTC, least cost routing, visual IVR and mobility this IPPBX solution from Hosted leaps ahead of the competition. Hodusoft’s acclaimed project management and support add to its attraction.

Support centers worldwide looking for the best multilingual PBX may get in touch with Hodusoft at 10707-708-4638 or initiate live chat on


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