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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Health Expert, Blood Sugar Check : Report - Accu-Chek Glucose Meter aids Patients handle life threatening low blood sugar levels

Health Expert, Blood Sugar Check : Report - Accu-Chek Glucose Meter aids Patients handle life threatening low blood sugar levels

By Amit Gupta on April 01 2013 | 314 Views

Health Experts recognize the latest blood sugar level check machine as a life saving device. It helps in keeping the sugar levels of a patient under constant check. This way, symptoms of hypoglycemia

Press Release, 11-01-13

Mumbai, India

“It is crucial to keep blood sugar levels close to normal as far as possible. For diabetes patients, a healthy range lies between 90 and 130 mg/dl before meals. After 1-2 hours of taking meals, the levels should reach as close to 180 mg/dl.” says Health Experts. The leading health care blogging experts claim that a medical practitioner usually recommends diabetes patient about the best time to test blood sugar and the method adopted.

It definitely helps to monitor blood sugar readings many times during the day. Too low or high blood sugar levels may prove to be a serious health hazard to patients. Sometimes blood sugar levels fall too low. The condition is termed as hypoglycemia. The situation may occur when an individual eats too little food or consumes additional insulin/ diabetes medication, or exerts his body more physically than usual. Sometimes, hypoglycemia may occur all of a sudden without any reason. Some of the major symptoms of this situation include fast heartbeat, shaking, excess sweating, dizziness, vision problems, feeling anxious, hunger, headache, weakness, headache, and irritability.

The situation is life threatening. Hence, it should be treated without wasting time. People with diabetes must work closely with their health care practitioner to prepare a plan to treat hypoglycemia.

In case, the patient experiences any of the above stated symptoms of hypoglycemia, blood sugar check is the only solution. For levels 70 or below, having a source of sugar such as 3 or 4 glucose tablets, a cup of milk, half a cup of fruit juice, fruit juice, regular soft drink, a tablespoon of honey (or anything from a list of sources recommended by the doctor). After 15 minutes of taking any if the above stated sources, carry out blood sugar check again to ensure the level is 70 or above. Once the blood sugar level stabilizes, one must wait for an hour before the next meal.

“Hypoglycemia can be prevented glucose level by knowing about diabetes and blood sugar check to control glucose levels in the body” says Health Experts.

The Accu-Chek Active system has been has been introduced to help diabetes patients avoid situations of hypoglycemic reactions and take immediate action. The device can save lives of patients and keep them updated on how effective their medications, exercises, and diet program has been.

Most reactions of low blood sugar levels are mild initially and can be resolved within first 10 to 15 minutes of receiving the medical treatments. Having a diabetes test machine handy and checking blood sugar levels on a regular basis can really help.

About Health Experts

Health Experts is a network of health and wellness bloggers specialising in providing updates on latest developments of health care, fitness regime, and products across the globe. The organization offers research and information about health and update services online. It has been serving the industry for over a decade now.

Today, Health Experts enjoys a growing clientele comprising small, mid-sized, and large health and wellness corporations across India and globe.

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