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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Gurin Wireless mini dehumidifiers that keep dank basements dry

Gurin Wireless mini dehumidifiers that keep dank basements dry

By Gurinproduct on February 01 2018 | 494 Views

Gurin renewable wireless mini dehumidifier is a unique auto renewable dehumidifier fit for closed spaces. Silica fitted this device works perfectly and absorbs moisture without any power consumption.

Gurin renewable wireless mini dehumidifier is a unique auto renewable dehumidifier fit for closed spaces. Silica fitted this device works perfectly and absorbs moisture without any power consumption. Only the renewal process requires power supply that too is completed within 12-14 hours. The device is available on groupon at a heavily discounted price.

Humidity up to a certain level keeps the environment comfortable but beyond that level, it causes discomfort; and environment no longer remains easy to stay in. Humidity also causes growth of moulds and mildew which pose their own health hazards apart from their peculiar smell. To counter the effects of humidity, we use dehumidifiers which absorb excess of moisture from the environment and convert it in to water called condensate and control the humidity in the environment.
Gurin renewable wireless mini dehumidifier is one such device which does not require power supply for its routine functioning. It can be left in closed spaces like cupboard or basement etc and it absorbs moisture from the air. Depending on the ambient humidity, it can absorb 8-10 ounces of moisture over 6-8 weeks. The device absorbs moisture due to inbuilt silica crystals which turn pink from blue once the crystals absorb moisture. Once the color turns pink, the dehumidifier need to be renewed. For this the wire of the device is plugged in and it auto renews itself by heating the silica crystals over 12-14 hours. The device has almost zero operating cost. Being self renewable, the device can last you for years and years.
The device is light weight and compact. It can easily be stored in small spaces and can be of utility to control moulds and mildew.
The device is available on groupon at a heavily discounted price which makes it more attractive an option. The device preserves your valuables from molds, mildew and moisture rot. So don’t just wait, grab the offer now before it’s too late and it runs out of stock.

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