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Press Release / Games & Entertainment / Guild Wars 2 is revealed in all its glory

Guild Wars 2 is revealed in all its glory

By swtormkimi3 on September 07 2012 | 621 Views

Despite the concessions for beginners, Guild Wars 2 continues to be one of the toughest online rolevok.

Popular nickname game - "Line", has become a household name. "Yes, they were there, the next" line "do?" - You can often hear about another MMORPG. Do something, maybe make ... Guild Wars 2 but repeat until no one could.

Many come to Guild Wars 2 on a tip from friends and acquaintances. "What, you have not played in LA2? Here’s the client’s server - forward march corrected! "But even with friends, who will tell and show the world Elmoraden attacks the newcomer without any compassion. All the "dummies", "SOP" and "grade", interspersed with violent showdowns in the chat. And you ... with bulging eyes
In the "line" at first feels like a different planet. Gradually penetrated, that’s what. Choose a suitable temperament class, make friends and acquaintances, and even stop being afraid of bullies-PK. Only then Guild Wars 2 is revealed in all its glory.

Guild Wars 2 - it is primarily about the war players. Beating colorful monsters and explore the world, no matter how colorful and touching it may seem, is just a preparation for the impending bloody battles.
Of course, the last great global update raised PvE: it became a lot more fun and a group to collect, and the state to save, and swing to competitive levels. But the essence remains the same: PvP - this is the meat and nazhoristoe that was, is and will be in Guild Wars 2.
Even here there is a giant monstryachi bosses. So huge that the traditional European raid of 25 people demolished one chihom. For example, a local walking legend - ten-drakosha named Antharas. For centuries it felled entire alliances. And all for what? That’s right, for the sake of treasure and artifacts!
For what it cost?
Even nine years later, a second "line" is stunningly beautiful.
Six playable races - is not only different "skins" for the character, but also completely different classes. Gnomes and did the whole "incarcerated" under the craft!
Thoughtful, motivated, well-organized PvP. Clan wars, mnogosotennye siege showdown at any time and in any place.
Global Goddess of Destruction addition to suit Elmoradene cataclysm: the developers redesigned starting areas almost from scratch. The first acquaintance with the game became a lot more enjoyable.
Despite the concessions for beginners, Guild Wars 2 continues to be one of the toughest online rolevok. Any passerby can us hatchet in benevolent, bosses except coordinated horde not fill up, and the economy is run by the most calculating and cunning craftsmen.

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