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Press Release / Business / Guberman-PMC Warns Business Owners That the FTC & State Department Have Been Asked to Investigate IT Governance, Inc.

Guberman-PMC Warns Business Owners That the FTC & State Department Have Been Asked to Investigate IT Governance, Inc.

By Daryl Guberman on April 03 2019 | 325 Views

Quality and Registration Expert Daryl Guberman of Guberman-PMC has turned to YouTube to make business owners aware that the FTC & State Department has been asked to look into UK-based IT Governance.

New York, NY (USA), April 3, 2019 -- The need to understand who a business is receiving their ISO quality certifications from is vital in the eyes of Daryl Guberman, Founder and CEO of Guberman-PMC (, an expert with over 36-years in the field. The huge problem is two of the largest associations of ISO certifying companies, the IAF and ANAB, are led by a Chinese-national, and contain in their associations openly anti-American and anti-Israel nations like Iran and Pakistan, among many others. In recent news in this area, Guberman has called on the FTC and State Department to look into the activities and standards of UK-based IT Governance, Inc. who specialize in ISO 20071, which covers cybersecurity quality certification. With China being the leader in state-sponsored cyber-hacking worldwide, this shows, in Guberman’s very authoritative, informed and well-documented opinion, signs of being a wildly reckless, inappropriate, and dangerous scam. Guberman breaks all this down and more in his latest YouTube video covering the subject of American and global ISO and quality concerns, “IT Governance, Inc.: FTC, State Dept, Asked To Investigate IT Governance’s ISO Scheme”. (

“For a business who takes their cybersecurity seriously the information we are making public about IT Governance, Inc. could potentially save them from being victims of a serious China-led or other anti-American country led cyber attack,” remarked Guberman, on this important subject. “We don’t take contacting the FTC and State Department lightly but we have a responsibility as American patriots to not remain silent when we see these dubious ties and links that could be dangerous to our national interests.”

Guberman has focused on bringing the message of the threat posed by the IAF and ANAB and companies that join their associations like IT Governance, Inc. for some time now using YouTube as a platform to present clear, black and white evidence against them. When American business ISO quality certifications are controlled by foreign nationals from countries with long histories of being anti-American or are aligned with nations that are anti-American, anti-Israel, and antisemitic, no one with any experience or wisdom could expect quality to do anything but suffer at best or be totally compromised at worst. Guberman and Guberman-PMC hope that the FTC and State Department use their power to correct this situation before America or its allies suffer from the issue being swept under the rug.

For more information be sure to visit and watch the new video on YouTube (

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