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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Grief: Know This One Thing In Losing A Loved One Or Pet

Grief: Know This One Thing In Losing A Loved One Or Pet

By stanpopovich on January 31 2014 | 371 Views

Many people who lose a love one or a beloved pet have a difficult time getting over their grief. The sense of loss can be great.

Pittsburgh, PA, January 31, 2014--Many people who lose a love one or a beloved pet have a difficult time getting over their grief. The sense of loss can be great. Many people who lose someone feel that they are saying "Good Bye" to their loved ones, however this outlook of grief and death is completely wrong. Author Stan Popovich explains:

1. Death is the bridge between this world and God’s world aka Heaven. When a person dies they are simply crossing the bridge from this world to Heaven. As long as the person has accepted God/Jesus In their life they will enter Heaven. Heaven is the place where God resides along with your other loved ones and family members. When someone dies, they are just crossing the bridge to Heaven.

2. The good news is that if you accepted God/Jesus into your life, there is a 100 percent chance you will see your loved ones again including your pets. They are simply in Heaven along with everyone else.

3. Knowing that you will see your loved ones again can reduce ones grief. Your loved ones are not gone but are with God. When you die, you will be greeted by your loved ones in Heaven as long as you accepted God into Your Life and you will spend the rest of eternity with them.

4. When someone dies, your basically saying that you will see them later. Your loved ones are not gone and you will see them again if you play your cards right in accepting God during your time on Earth. View grief as if you were going on vacation for a week, knowing when you come back you will see your family again.

5. Regardless what people think, God has the power to have a special place in heaven for all of his animals he created including our pets. People on earth call it "Rainbow Bridge". Regardless of the name, God has the sole authority to create such a place regardless what people may think.

6. Although animals don’t have souls, there is nothing stopping God from creating a place in heaven for our beloved pets with a click of his finger. The Fact is God/Jesus is the sole authority over all of the Heavens. Put your faith in God and remember that nothing is impossible with the power of God.

7. Many people say Death is Final, but they are wrong. You have a choice. Listen to what your friends have to say or put your faith in the Bible and Jesus/God. Follow Jesus and God and you will see your loved ones again and overcome death.

Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods". Stan’s managing fear book has become very popular with over 250 positive book reviews and counting.

For information on this subject please contact Stan Popovich at

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