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Press Release / Health and Fitness / GOD heals Cancer through his Prophet

GOD heals Cancer through his Prophet

By Charles Lewis Jr. on February 02 2016 | 466 Views

An expert on Spirituality, Charles Lewis Jr., who uses his gift to help fellow beings find their destiny, is a sought-after teacher and speaker on Christian philosophy.


An expert on Spirituality, Charles Lewis Jr., who uses his gift to help fellow beings find their destiny, is a sought-after teacher and speaker on Christian philosophy. Founder and President of Charles Lewis Jr. Ministries, Lewis travels around the globe to teach the mysteries of God. A born Prophet of GOD Charles Lewis Jr. was born in Birmingham, Alabama in a very strenuous situation. Around chaos and distractions Charles Lewis Jr. was able through GODS love and Spiritual direction to overcome boundaries and Spiritual distractions. Early in his childhood Prophet Charles had a unique gift to see and discern things before they happened. Just recently in a revival in the South Prophet Charles told a Pastor that she would go into a thrift store and buy a rare artifact for $20 and it will be worth a Half a Million Dollars. That Prophecy came January 13, 2016 that Prophecy came to pass four days later on January 17, 2016.

Healing is one of the many Gifts that GOD has planted and developed in Prophet Lewis life, the Gift of Healing was on display recently at a Healing Service that Prophet Lewis takes to many Churches in the U.S. One man came up for Prayer and Prophet and Author Charles Lewis Jr. looked and saw in his body Cancerous tumors in his Intestines the Prophet asked the Minister that came up for Prayer about what GOD showed him and the Minister said that is exactly what the doctor diagnosed him with. Prophet Lewis Anointed the Minister with the Sacred Anointing Oil and Cursed the Cancer at its root and GOD manifested healing in that Ministers body.

In 2014 Prophet Charles Lewis Jr. Authored a Book Titled Surrounded On Every Side, But Not Destroyed to Empower GODS people to overcome the spiritual enemies that are there to stop and hinder their GOD given destiny! In the First Chapter titled “Why Me”? Author Lewis tells you why GOD has chosen you for a Specific destiny that nobody on earth can accomplish the way you can, and why the enemy has targeted you to stop the move of GOD that GOD wants to work through You!

Prophet Charles Lewis Jr. is available to come and Minister at your events that include Revivals, Conferences, Bible Studies, Weddings, Social Savings Clubs, Baby Dedications, Birthday Parties Etc. Below is my email and my facebook and twitter info.


Charles Lewis Jr.

Company: According To Your Faith Int Ministries, Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 170565, Birmingham, AL 35217


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