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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Get World Class Cancer Treatment in India at We Care Health Services

Get World Class Cancer Treatment in India at We Care Health Services

By sanjaynagpal on December 20 2013 | 342 Views

We care Heath Services is the leading medical tourism company which is based in India. The company focuses on providing smooth and seamless services to the international patients seeking Cancer Treatm

New Delhi, 18 Dec. 13- Cancer is a disease which can’t be described in one definition because it is not one disease but is a hub of many diseases. The subset of neoplasm is formed by the large family of diseases. The neoplasm is generally termed as tumor. Tumor is basically a group of cells that have undergone the unregulated growth and which will often form a mass or lump, but may be distributed diffusely. In cancer, abnormal cells divide without any control. The cells of the cancer spread through the blood and lymph systems. There are more than 100 types of cancer detected by the qualified researchers of cancer. Cancer Treatment in India is widely known for the best services. We Care India is one of the best medical tourism company and a premier centre dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment and promoting research in cancer care and Cancer Surgery India. Mr. Narang, executive of cancer care unit said, “We offer end¬-to-¬end cancer care from diagnostics to rehabilitation. Our highly qualified treating doctors specialise in Surgical Oncology, Radiation Therapy and Medical Oncology”

Cancer is named accordingly to the body organ in which they begins. The cancer that starts on a colonis called as colon cancer, the cancer that start on skin called as skin cancer, the cancer that spreads on blood will be stated as blood cancer and the cancer that begins in melanocytes of the skin is termed as melanoma. There are five main categories of the cancer which include:

• Sarcoma – The cancer that begins in blood vessels, fat, muscle, bone, cartilage or other connective or supportive tissue.
• Leukaemia – The cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
• Lymphoma and myeloma – The cancers that starts in the immune system cells.
• Carcinoma - The cancer that begins in the skin or in the tissues that line or cover internal organs. There are a various subtypes of carcinoma, including adenocarcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, quamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma
• Central nervous system cancers – The cancers that starts in the tissues of the spinal cord and brain.
We Care India have a very good relationship with its partner hospitals, the Cancer Hospital India provide International Patients excellent guidance who are looking for cancer treatment in India. We offer seamless patient services of world-class quality in order to provide a highly specialized service.

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