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Press Release / Health and Fitness / GenScript Announces Collaboration with AMDeC: Seeks to Decrease Biological Research Costs at NYC Area Institutions

GenScript Announces Collaboration with AMDeC: Seeks to Decrease Biological Research Costs at NYC Area Institutions

By GenscriptUSA on November 08 2013 | 326 Views

“GenScript has cemented an alliance with AMDeC, LLC, and is the first supplier to close a purchasing deal with AMDeC’s new Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

“GenScript has cemented an alliance with AMDeC, LLC, and is the first supplier to close a purchasing deal with AMDeC’s new Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) that is specifically targeting research products and services. AMDeC’s GPO allows Members, like NYU Langone Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medical College, to consolidate their purchasing power to obtain savings on products and services essential for life science research.”
GenScript is offering AMDeC members DNA sequencing services at deeply discounted prices. The services feature an easy, flexible sample submission and short turnaround times. But financial incentives aren’t the only motivation for this collaboration. DNA sequencing has been a catalyst for biological research since the 1970s. Access to fast, affordable sequencing has enabled researchers to sequence the first human genome, and study a variety of gene functions. Hence, the value of sequencing services to the research community has increased, as service turnaround times and prices have decreased. The GenScript-AMDeC collaboration provides scientists with rapid, economical, high-quality sequencing services, which will help accelerate research in the NYC area.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg for GenScript’s CEO, Frank Zhang, Ph.D., who anticipates that through this collaboration, GenScript will eventually offer its complete arsenal of one-stop custom services, including gene and peptide synthesis, protein expression and purification, antibody production, and cell line development. Access to these premier services would have the same catalytic effect as DNA sequencing has had over the years, since outsourcing these tasks expedites academic laboratory research.

“By working with AMDeC, we hope to establish services [at] every single university in the USA,” said Zhang. “Our vision is to make the research easy by providing custom reagents to scientists…[so that] the productivity in academic research labs will be improved.”

Both GenScript and AMDeC are committed to accelerating discoveries in biological research. Thus, it’s no coincidence that the potential for advancements in science and technology through this alliance is in parallel with AMDeC’s assertion as “A Catalyst for Breakthroughs” and GenScript’s core motto, “Transforming Biology Research”.

*Read more about the GenScript-AMDeC collaboration in the November 2012 issue of Nature Medicine.

About GenScript

Founded in 2002, GenScript is a leading biology CRO offering customized services to aid biological research, and drug discovery/development. GenScript is headquartered in Piscataway, NJ, with subsidiaries in Europe, Japan, and China.

About AMDeC

AMDeC, LLC is a consortium of pre-eminent academic medical research institutions that promotes collaboration and efficient use of resources, with the goal of expediting discovery. AMDeC ( is based in New York City.

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