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Press Release / Industry / Fry Enviro Hygienists Find Dangerous Toxic Mold Growth Inside Grand Rapids, Michigan, Rental Home

Fry Enviro Hygienists Find Dangerous Toxic Mold Growth Inside Grand Rapids, Michigan, Rental Home

By Phillip Fry, Co-Manager on August 23 2015 | 450 Views

Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry announces that his mold inspection firm EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, discovered high levels of health-damaging, toxic mold growth

Montrose, MI, August 23, 2015 -- "A single mother with four young children are all extremely ill because they are living in a very moldy rental house in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which was mold inspected and tested by EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, on August 18, 2015," reports EnviroFry co-manager Phillip Fry, and webmaster of the mold authority website, online since 1999.

The mold lab analysis results of the mold samples collected from the house document very serious and elevated levels of five separate, health-damaging toxic mold species in the southeast Grand Rapids rental house.

If the mold spore count of an indoor test for a particular mold species exceeds the count for the same mold species in the outdoor control test, that gap or difference is prima facie evidence that there is a significant indoor source for that elevated level of mold growth. These are the five mold species found in the collected mold samples:

(a) Aspergillus and Penicillium are the second and third most dangerous indoor mold species, respectively. Whereas, the outdoor control test has a projected Aspergillus/Penicillium mold spores per cubic meter of 27, the living room air test has 667 projected spores per cubic meter. The basement air test result was even worse: 867 projected spores per cubic meter.

(b) Chaetomium is one of the top ten toxic mold species. Whereas there are NO Chaetomium spores in the outdoor control test, there are 160 projected Chaetomium spores per cubic meter in the living room air test. Thus, there is a serious indoor mold problem from the elevated level of Chaetomium.

(c) Cladosporium. In the outdoor control test, there were 80 projected Cladosporium spores per cubic meter, fewer than the 200 projected spores per cubic meter in the second floor air test.

(d) Stachybotrys is the most dangerous indoor mold because it can cause permanent brain damage affecting the mold victim’s ability to think and remember, similar to the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. There are NO Stachybotrys spores in the outdoor control test, but 13 Stachybotrys projected spores in the living room air test and 67 spores in the basement air test.

In addition to air testing, the EnviroFry Certified Environmental Hygienist used a fiber optics video inspection camera to look for mold growth inside the home’s walls, wherein the hygienist saw and photographed huge levels of toxic mold growth.

In view of the severe toxic mold infestation of the occupied rental unit, the EnviroFry inspection and testing report concluded that the house is not habitable, and that the family should move immediately out of the infested house.

The report also recommended that the landlord should re-locate the family at landlord’s sole expense to a safe rental unit, plus pay the first month’s rent and security deposit for such a safe rental unit, along with the family’s moving expenses, professional mold decontamination of the family’s clothing, furniture, and other possessions, and mold medical diagnostic and treatment services for the entire five person family.

To schedule mold inspection, testing, and remediation in Grand Rapids, or anywhere else in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, or Illinois, email Mr. Fry, or phone toll-free 866-300-1616 and cell 480-310-7970, or visit the websites and

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Managers, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone toll-free 866-300-1616
Cell 480-310-7970 and

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