Press Release / Art & Entertainment / From Stone to Flesh and Unified Field Theory
From Stone to Flesh and Unified Field Theory
By Zhiliang Cao on January 20 2014 | 351 Views
From stone to fresh, from physics to philosophy, from fundamental to complex logical issues, your true understanding of infinite hierarchical universe will make you wise and lead you to optimal life.
Deerfield, IL, United States, January 20, 2014 -- The recently published “Unified Field Theory” (UFT) presents the main theory from the book The Alpha Torque. Based on UFT, in “Unified Field Theory and the Hierarchical Universe”, one of the interesting conclusions of the paper is that the universe is a small Grid in the vacuum of an upper universe hierarchy. Literally, “From stone to flesh” is real and it takes three steps: finding vacuum (space) in a stone; finding universe in the vacuum; finding flesh in the universe. UFT solved a physics issue, but most importantly, it provides a base for humans to have a purpose in life; it is the base for philosophy, and it alleviates human depravity.
In universe hierarchy, the size of parent universe and child universe has a fixed ratio N (2.1788*1060). The parent universe and child universe are similar. Everything exist in the universe can be found in the parent universe as well as the child universe.
The universe has a simple infinite hierarchical structure. A ten micrometer dust size space verses small universes is similar to the visible universe verses ten micrometer dust. In hierarchical universe, human beings are profoundly connected with everything in the universe.
Humans travel at a speed of approximately 600 km/s relative to small universes. Human is literally floating around, as movement is the way everything exists. Human is in the tree of an infinite hierarchical universe. The distortion of countless small universes is manifested as galaxies, stars and human beings. The matters are flowing through lively universes, like cloud in the sky.
Even though mankind is small, it is precious. The world is full of injustices, wars, sufferings and oppressions. Human’s hearts are poisoned by false claims under the names of righteousness. As the ultimate theory of physics, UFT helps he/she sees beyond the universe. One of human’s important purposes is to understand how the whole universe works, so that universe can achieve her best potential, and human can come out of darkness and leave human depravity behind. Mankind can dress up the world with the beautiful 800-mile man made river in China, walk along the trail of Grand Canyon and appreciate grand universe. The longest river has a beginning and end; the highest mountain has a top; the universe is infinite and must be admired in light of UFT.
Modern philosophies may be logical clarification of thoughts, fundamental reasons and principles of everything, or other disciplines. UFT has basic principles for physics, such as inseparable space-time-energy, resonance creates matters and dissonance annihilates matters, the ultimate resonance is resonance to the size of small universe (the Torque Grid), movements are the way energy and matter exists, etc. UFT provides fundamental reasons and principles of everything, the analytical formulation and calculation of a philosophical claim.
As the base of philosophies, UFT can help man/woman understand “Ways of the world”. Man/woman will not focus on little thing and will not angry when he/she is misunderstood or not respected, as proper behavior resonance with the world and will be encouraged, while bad behaviors clash with the world and will not last. To resonate with the world, he/she should ride with tide of history and start to serve the people he/she does not know, set his/her goals to serve common goals of mankind. A man(woman) will be full of joy even when he/she is experiencing hardship as what he/she deeds are rewarded. Wisdom, calmness, swiftness and preciseness of the nature are always part of human. The confidents are growing as the greatness and the perfection are in him/her. He/she will move along at right pace, right direction, not wasteful, not stingy. Confucius said, “At seventy years old, I can do whatever I wish to do without off the track.” If he/she understands the meaning of UFT, he/she will be wiser than an experienced seventy-year old man who does not.
The theory of everything is the end result of forty year of research, but it can be the beginning of the new era. What UFT means for science? It is theory of theories (ToE) and the foundation of physics. It literally deducts the main physics laws, from classical Newton’s laws, to modern physics equations. A seed of fig tree if for a tree; a seed of weed is for weed; the seed of science, UFT from the book “The Alpha Torque”, is for the future science.
“From stone to fresh”, from physics to philosophy, from fundamental to complex logical issues, his/her true understanding of UFT will make him/her wise and lead him/her to optimal life.
Additional details can be found in the recently published UFT papers:
Zhiliang Cao
1225 Greenwood Ct
Deerfield, IL 60015
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