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Press Release / Health and Fitness / For the best liposuction services in Brazil, contact Lipo Mais!

For the best liposuction services in Brazil, contact Lipo Mais!

By Tova66 on November 23 2012 | 310 Views

Contact us today, or visit our website to get answers to any of your questions; Lipo Mais can help you restore the figure of your youth.

It is one of the realities of life - as we get older, our bodies do not respond to diet and exercise as they once did. This can be a problem for women and men, though different areas seem to give the different sexes different trouble spots.

Liposuction can be the answer to getting rid of these unwanted areas of hard to remove body fat, and can greatly improve your bodies appearance and your own self-image. This is very important for both women and men, and especially from men suffering from Ginecomastia or the enlargement of the male breast.

Lipo Mais provides professional outpatient liposuction and is the best liposuction clinic in Brazil. Lipo Mais uses the latest technology to quickly and easily remove unwanted body fat. We understand that you may have many questions about invasive liposuction, such as how much it costs and where do liposuction procedures take place.

Lipo Mais has set up our clinic to provide the best, safest experience for you. For this reason all procedures are performed under local anesthesia. We have determined that this is the best way to proceed for several reasons. The main reason is the safety of our patients, and our clinic is approved by the Board of Medicine and follow all guidelines of ANVISA.

Because we have complete control of the clinic and treat only healthy people, there is no chance of infection such as you would find in a hospital where the presence of infectious agents and disease are common. We only use Lipo procedures that make use of local anesthetics, and our liposuction surgery procedures can remove up to 7% to 40% of the weight of the body area.

Safety is just one of the reasons our highly trained medical staff have decided to use local anesthetic exclusively. Our surgeon has trained with Professor Ivo Pitanguy, and specializes in liposuction and ginecomastia, the most common procedure done for men.

The most common procedures for women are the abdomen, the area under the arms, and the buttons and thighs. These areas are particularly troublesome for women as they reach their middle years, and problems in these areas are noticeably hard to deal with by exercise alone. At Lipo Mais we are determine to provide you with the best Lipo experience available through modern technology; our highest goal is your complete satisfaction, and recovery time is quite fast. Most patients experience very little discomfort, and are recommended to wear compression garments to aid in the healing process.

Some bruising can occur, but in most patients this will disappear in one to two weeks, and normal activity can be resumed fairly rapidly; driving and light activity can be resumed almost immediately with most patients.

All of our surgeons are also certified by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery and the Federal Council of Medicine, and we are considered one of the best providers of Fazer Lipoaspirao (making your liposuction desires become reality).

Lipo Mais clinic is approved by the Board of Medicine and ANVISA. Lipo Mais always has an anesthetist available with all the equipment necessary to reverse possible complications. All surgical environments and equipment have been approved by ANVISA. Complications are very rare with local anesthesia.

Contact us today, or visit our website to get answers to any of your questions and find out how much the procedure costs; whether male or female, Lipo Mais can help you restore the figure of your youth.

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