Press Release / Health and Fitness / Find Out About Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Florida Online
Find Out About Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Florida Online
By bridger18 on August 03 2013 | 305 Views
Learn About Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Florida And Why The Orchid Program Is So Effective.
Treatment goals for patients with anorexia require a team approach. Doctors should immediately check and treat any medical problems related to the condition, such as bone loss, imbalances in important electrolytes, and any hormonal deficiencies, including thyroid and reproductive hormones. Nutrition rehabilitation and psychotherapy also plays an important part in anorexia therapy. When severe metabolic or medical problems occur, patients with anorexia may need to be hospitalized either voluntarily or involuntarily. A variety of partial hospitalization or day care programs are also available. For people with severe anorexia, many doctors believe that 10 - 12 weeks of hospitalization with full nutritional support are required to reach ideal body weight. Check to see how many days your insurance company allows for inpatient treatment. Many rarely cover more than 15 days in the hospital. It is particularly important for women with both diabetes and anorexia to achieve 100% of ideal weight before being released.
Outpatient therapy is an ideal choice for anyone who is suffering from an eating order. However, those who are in the advanced stages of anorexia may want to consider a residential program located in a hospital setting. Individuals with anorexia are in a very precarious state in terms of their physical health and may require the constant care of medical professionals in order to stabilize their condition during therapy. Whilst eating disorders do predominantly affect young women, they are not the only ones who suffer, as around 10% of all people with eating disorders are men. Although this provides the same problems that all sufferers of eating disorders are faced with, it also presents it’s own set of problems. As hard as it is for girls to speak up about their problems, ’macho culture’ and the general myth that eating disorders are exclusively a girls’ problem make it even harder for men who still feel that talking about their problems makes them ’weak’.
Ironically, it is this same sense of living up to social ideals that causes many men to develop eating disorders in the first place. According to a report by the EDA, a number of men reported that their problems began in school. Teased and bullied for being overweight, the lack of confidence and self-esteem they had in their childhood led them to looking for ways to loose large amounts of weight and conform and idealistic image.
When learning about Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Florida you should come across one center which is known for its professionalism and treatments, that center of course is The Orchid Program. The Orchid Program run many treatment services and programs for all people suffering from eating disorders in Florida, however people do come from all corners of the globe to use the amazing programs they have to offer. Eating disorder treatment has never been as high class as it is nowadays, and at The Orchid Program they use the latest and greatest treatments to ensure that you can get back to a healthy and improved lifestyle as quickly and effectively as possible. Visit The Orchid Program’s website now to learn more about their experienced and reputable programs at
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