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Press Release / Health and Fitness / FETAC Occupational First Aid Courses Helps To Maintain A Safe And Healthy Work Environment For The Employees

FETAC Occupational First Aid Courses Helps To Maintain A Safe And Healthy Work Environment For The Employees

By johnnytorrt on September 13 2016 | 404 Views

It is mandatory for the companies to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for their employees, which not only boost the morale of the employee, but also enhance their productivity which is good for t

It is mandatory for the companies to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for their employees, which not only boost the morale of the employee, but also enhance their productivity which is good for the organization. There are many consulting firms offering safety, manual handling, fire safety, health and welfare at work etc programs which can be enrolled by the employees of a company or any individuals who want to enhance their safety measures at the workplace. The Fetca occupational first aid courses are very much useful to address emergency conditions in the workplace. By joining and completing this course the candidate shall be able to administer appropriate first aid in times of need. On completing this course the candidates shall be able to enhance awareness in the workplace on the possible accidents, identify an accident that might need a first aid, apply the first aid techniques and also posses the skills to use external defibrillator if required. The course shall be very much useful to improve the health and performance in the work place. As you join the course you shall be taught about first aid in the workplace, how to assess the patient, handling respiratory emergencies, managing cardiac first responses, wounds and bleeding, altered levels of consciousness, musculoskeletal injuries and also applying first aid to burns, poisons, scalds, electric shock and chemical inhalations. On completing the FETCA occupational first aid courses the candidates are required to attend an examination that tests their skills and knowledge in the subject before awarding the Fetca occupational first aid course certificate.

Similarly, those who use pesticides either selling or application can find the knapsack pesticide training very much useful as the course gives an insight on the safe usage of the knapsack equipment and pesticides. The course highlights why to use pesticides and also how training can help you in knowing about the different pest control methods selecting suitable pesticides. An awareness is also created about the legislation pertaining to pesticides, handling, storage, application and safe disposal of pesticides, how to comprehend the safety label, markings and safety data sheets on pesticide containers, how to handle the equipment and other components of the handheld sprayer, mixing sprayers and also applying sprayers safely without any problems. This is a 2 day duration course and on completing the course the candidates have to appear for an assessment on calibration and usage of the sprayer to get certified in the course.


7 The Arches
Silken Vale
01 6289374
01 6291756

If you are searching for best safety training courses, then you are at the right place. Qualtec is one of Ireland’s leading safety training and consulting firms. We specialise in Instructor & Assessor programmes. For more detail about Manual Handling Instructor course and Patient Handling Instructor course, please visit

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