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Press Release / Health and Fitness / Facial Skin Care For Men Introduced Now by Amber Beauty

Facial Skin Care For Men Introduced Now by Amber Beauty

By Steve on September 10 2016 | 386 Views

Amberbeauty hereby notifies its customers that it has introduced special facial skin care for men.

London, UK – Now is the time for men to save their face and take care of their facial skin. While the most men utilize grooming items, facial skin care is the group with the largest prospect to increase usage. Why do most men not use such products the reason for which varies. This gives an insight that there is an opening to attract Millennials and to revive and instruct the majority men on the precautionary benefits of facial skin care.

The marketing manager of the firm alleged that; “We care about the products that we offer and we specially select the products that we know our customer’s will love. They are handmade with love and care and attention because our customer’s deserve to give their bodies the best treatments. Why not treat yourself to our amazing range of beauty products that are naturally made and organic, let the natural aroma’s float around you without being concerned about any harsh chemicals and toxins causing damage to your body. At Amber Beauty we believe in ecological products which is why we have an extensive selection of products that are all certified and they are competitively priced.”

Men in particular the majority of them categorize themselves as conservatives with regard to grooming products, only utilizing the products essential to be hygienic; on the other hand, users of facial skincare have a better routine of grooming and apply in any case a few items daily. This is determined by the behaviors in the age group of 18-34, who exceed their compeers in facial skin care habit and are most excited about the grooming class on the whole.

Younger consumers look for facial products with preventive and visual benefits, while elder users seek for protection and strengthen. Younger users look for advantages which include prevention/treatment of acne, control oil/shine, and minimize pores, while moisturizing/hydrating, anti-aging, and sun protection/SPF are the top things that the elderly facial skincare users seek.

The marketing manager of the company stated thus:“Christopher Courtney Age Defence Face Moisturizer is a cutting edge light men’s formulation developed with highly effective plant extract, omega rich oils, vitamin and mineral rich oils, peptides, anti-oxidants and pure essential oils to soothe, nourish and protect against environment factors whilst stimulating production of collagen and elastin for younger, healthier skin.”

About Amberbeauty:

The online shop, Amberbeauty, has something for everybody as they represent the most excellent natural beauty and skincare products from throughout the world. The normal products that they have on offer will actually astonish you and it will surely make you understand that going for natural products is more dependable without compromising on genuine beauty.

Amber Beauty SO Ltd
Address: 25 Frobisher Gardens, Chafford Hundred, RM16 6EX, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1375 482 248

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