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Press Release / Blogging & Social Media / Facebook deletes activist pages at will claim many Facebook page owners

Facebook deletes activist pages at will claim many Facebook page owners

By gavishbh on October 04 2013 | 737 Views

Speaking to administrators from a Facebook page called World Wide Freedom which became widely popular on Facebook and was on its way to having nearly 200,000 users.

Speaking to administrators from a Facebook page called World Wide Freedom which became widely popular on Facebook and was on its way to having nearly 200,000 users. The page was very popular and spoke of many subjects like GMOs, Secret Societies, Eugenics, weather modification, 9/11 being an inside job, the cancer industry and even Zionism.

Some may say it was just another conspiracy theorist/activist page but there must be something more to the story. Why is Facebook removing such pages? Who is Facebook protecting?

Do human rights and freedom of speech not apply anymore? See below to see what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has to say about this;

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to be harassed because of their opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The administrators of the World Wide Freedom page say that the page was unpublished without any warnings or any reason given. They were given the opportunity to appeal yet had no response to their appeal. As you can see in the screenshot they can still view the page but it is unpublished so their posts cannot be view by their users. The page was located at

The administrators of World Wide Freedom have now started a petition on, you may participate using the following URL:

The administrators of the page say that the petition may not bring their page back but their intention is not to give up and to raise awareness on the issue in order to stop Facebook bullying users.

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