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Press Release / Business / Enhanced Cybersecurity Compliance Using A Unique Combination of Network & Endpoint Installed Agents

Enhanced Cybersecurity Compliance Using A Unique Combination of Network & Endpoint Installed Agents

By Jimmy Pierre on September 27 2019 | 746 Views

The LuJam sensor takes a different approach to many other traditional Cybersecurity vendor, whereas control is applied proactively and globally.

Wilmington, DE, September 27, 2019 -- Certified Internet Solutions, Inc. An Internet Pioneer founded 1996, announced today the availability by ecommerce or a Virtual Machine of the LuJam sensor to protect, Home users, Small Office, Branch Offices, Small & Medium businesses, Enterprises by filtering their routes to a website. If the website requested is known to be malicious and therefore hosting malware, viruses etc., the connection is immediately blocked. The list made up of Threat Intelligence Context and Cybercrime Forensics Data is updated regularly on a nearly real time basis from Farsight Security, Inc. and Newly Observed Domains (NOD) are particularly monitored which allows to proactively redirect users and block more zero-days than ever before.

Certified Internet Solutions is already deploying this sensor in France, talks in French Speaking Africa, Australia, India are being held currently. LuJam already has partners in Canada, Great Britain and Old Commonwealth African countries.

Companies Certified Internet Solutions worked with in France : Thales, EADS, TOTAL, ENGIE, France Telecom, HSBC, Société Générale, Cegetel, Groupe La Poste, Bouygues Construction, Électricité de France, SNCF, Veolia, BNP Paribas, GEODIS, TDF SAS, Caisse d’Épargne , Caisse de Dépôt et de Consignation, Siaap (Ville de Paris), EDS, Citroën, Crédit Commercial de France, FGA, Mannessman Industries, Credit Local de France, Supermarchés U, Securité Sociale du Régime Minier du Nord, General Electric, Euroview, Rowenta Group, Sony, APF, DEMOS, Comité Français de Radio et Télévision, Interpral, etc.

Certified Internet Solutions are thrilled to be able to share their work with prospective clients publicly. There are even more clients who’s work Certified Internet Solutions can’t show.

Certified Internet Solutions, Inc. take a special care to the Cybersecurity of kids, young adults, the elderly and everybody else to protect them against:

- Phishing
- Malicious software & Unsanitized file downloads
- Malware
- Viruses
- Ransomware
- Zero-Day vulnerability

Other features include an easy to configure VPN to protect you when you hit the road, Vulnerability scanning, basic GDPR, text & email alerts, overriding blocked sites, ban/confine a device on the LAN, Wi-Fi scanning, etc.

How to learn more:

Press Contact:
Jimmy Pierre
+33 6 41 30 03 17
+33 6 88 00 99 97
+33 6 51 98 98 94

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