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Press Release / Health and Fitness / endOclear® Contributes to Decreasing Length of Stay in the ICU

endOclear® Contributes to Decreasing Length of Stay in the ICU

By David Chersky on November 05 2013 | 1956 Views

A poster entitled “The Use of a Unique Mucus Shaver Clearing Device to Improve Ventilator Weaning.

San Ramon, CA, November 05, 2013 -- A poster entitled “The Use of a Unique Mucus Shaver Clearing Device to Improve Ventilator Weaning” by researchers at McLaren Northern Michigan Hospital in Petoskey, Michigan was presented at the CHEST 2013 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois on October 26-31, 2013. The study shows a decrease in ventilator days, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) length of stay and total hospital length of stay by an average of one full day in the group in which endOclear® was used versus the group that did not use endOclear®. In addition, the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) also decreased.

The observational study, conducted over a two year period, involved 1112 ICU patients. All adult patients, age 18 or older, admitted to the ICU, on the ventilator greater than 24 hours, and who met the general criteria for a sedation holiday and weaning trial were included in the study. Patient ventilator days, ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay, and VAP in 2011 were compared with total year 2012 patients who had their endotracheal tubes cleared with the endOclear® catheter prior to their weaning trial.

550 cases were reviewed during 2011 and 562 cases in 2012. Prior to the start of endotracheal tube clearing with the endOclear® catheter, average ventilator days were 4.3, ICU length of stay was 5.2 days, and hospital length of stay was 9.3 days. After introduction of the endOclear® protocol in 2012, ventilator days, ICU length of stay, and hospital length of stay all decreased by one day. The VAP rate went from 1.2 per 1000 ventilator days in 2011 to 0 in 2012. The reduction of ventilator days, length of time in the ICU and hospital and number of VAP cases resulted in an estimated savings of $536,710 in 2012.

“This [McLaren-Northern Michigan hospital] study clearly shows that the endOclear® device and procedure, when added to a best practice model of care of the ventilatory patient, results in reduced length of stay, improved patient outcomes and decreased hospital and provider cost. We believe that this will be a huge benefit to the critical care community”, stated Dr. Brad Vazales, CEO and CMO of ENDOCLEAR LLC.

The study presented on October 30, 2013 at 1:30 PM at the Clinical Resource Center (McCormick Place Chicago), concludes that “removal of adherent endotracheal tube secretions with use of the endOclear® catheter prior to weaning trials provides both better patient care outcomes and cost savings to the hospital.”

Founded in 2009, ENDOCLEAR LLC is focused on developing novel tools and approaches to previously unaddressed or under-addressed problems in the field of airway management. endOclear® with Collection Adapter, first commercialized in 2012 removes secretions, biofilm and bacteria from ventilated patient’s endotracheal tubes. For more information, please visit

David Chersky
Endoclear Llc
2603 Camino Ramon, Suite 200
San Ramon, CA 94583

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