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Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Elite Online Publishing Announces a New International Bestselling Book by Author Jesse R. Stewart

Elite Online Publishing Announces a New International Bestselling Book by Author Jesse R. Stewart

By Jenn Foster on September 23 2020 | 720 Views

Elite Online Publishing Announces a New International Bestselling Book by Author Jesse R. Stewart

Author Jesse R. Stewart Hit #1 International Bestseller
With His New Book
Un-Winnable Wars: Finding Victory in the Ashes of Defeat

Author Jesse R. Stewart achieved #1 International Bestseller with his new book Un-Winnable Wars: Finding Victory in the Ashes of Defeat

Dallas, TX– Friday, September 11, 2020 – Author Jesse R. Stewart joined the ranks of bestselling authors on Amazon with his new book, Un-Winnable Wars: Finding Victory in the Ashes of Defeat which was released Friday, Sept 11, 2020, by – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.

On the day of release, his book started its upward movement towards bestseller status on Elite Online Publishing Published, Promoted, and Reached #1 International Bestseller in TWO countries including Afghan War Biographies in the US and Vietnam War History in AU. #1 Hot New Release in FOUR countries in FOURTEEN Categories including Military Special Forces, Intelligence & Spies History, Afghan War Biographies, Iraq War Biographies in the US. Vietnam War History in AU. Vietnamese History, War & Peace in Current Events, Weapons & Warfare, Vietnam War, and United States Veterans in CA. War & Peace, Philosophy Reference, and Biographies of the Vietnam War in the UK.


The only pain that exceeds the loss in war, is realizing the “Hard-fought Wisdom” accumulated during battles fought, remained left behind in the ashes of defeat.

Society in mass is experiencing pandemic levels of an “inability to deal with discomfort and struggle,” after loss and/or setback on all levels. However, this mentality has been rampant across history, especially when recording critical information, lessons, and knowledge from unconventional warfare. These essential lessons could not only save a future generation but guide policies to prevent future conflict in the first place.
In history, “Unconventional” warriors rise up to “Counter the Insurgency” often against great odds with limited funding, minimal leadership (with knowledge of tactics), and minimal support from the established “Conventional” leadership generally resisting change. This book is an attempt to connect the author’s experience while (at first unknowingly) commanding in a Counterinsurgency War, together with the research, understanding, and application developed in the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College’s “Art of War” Fellowship Program. Analysis of the following attempts the connection:
• Past wars (up to Iraq and Afghanistan) and historical “unconventional” units from various countries.
• The origin, development, and “codification” of U.S. Special Forces and the Civilian Irregular Defense Group during Vietnam.
• The research of hundreds of historical case studies and in-person oral history interviews regarding Counterinsurgency.

The resulting knowledge in this book, along with other recent studies on unconventional conflict extends beyond the battlefield and military. J.J. Thomas (Olympic Medalist) and Lucas Foster, U.S. Professional Snowboarders, highlight the similarities of mindset and application to that of the U.S. military (especially Special Operations Forces) based on recent connections to veterans. Their contributions to this book in “developing, collaborating, and delivering this ‘Hard-fought Wisdom’” increases the chance to keep the knowledge relevant, alive, and not forgotten. That contribution is significant for two reasons:
• ① First, make the knowledge available for anyone in need of a “third-door” or “unconventional” solution to various situations and people, therefore offering relief to the often concern of a U.S. “Civilian-Military” divide.
• ② Second, mitigate the need for another 26-year old Company Commander during counterinsurgency operations to lose 14 Rangers in a six-month period, only to realize the knowledge and answers to fight this type of battle was there all along. Still, the wisdom was rarely documented, available, or acknowledged by those who write history.


Jesse R. Stewart is the founder of AM300 Solutions (AM300), author, university professor, and former U.S. Army Ranger (medically retiring at the rank of Major following multiple reconstructive surgeries from wounds received in combat). He founded AM300 in 2017 with the purpose to develop, collaborate, and deliver "Hard-Fought Wisdom" to assist others to operate at the highest levels of sustained excellence; bridging the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual planes of existence.

His foundation of "knowledge" originated from his military service as a U.S. Army Ranger and Infantry Officer. Jesse led Rangers as an Infantry Platoon Leader and Rifle Company Commander. He served as an Army Ranger for just over ten years, enduring continuous deployments to the Middle East from 2003-2010. The pinnacle of that service came in 2006-2009 as the Company Commander of Charlie Troop, 5th Squadron, 73rd Regiment (now known as Task Force 300) within the Diyala River Valley of Iraq; headquarters for the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS). For his unit’s actions in 2006-2007, President George W. Bush awarded Task Force 300 with the Presidential Unit Citation, the smallest such unit to receive the award since the Vietnam War. Jesse was recognized for his performance in command with a two-year early promotion to the rank of Major, a Bronze Star with Valor (one of four Bronze Stars total), the Purple Heart Medal, and two Meritorious Service Medals.

Simultaneously, he completed a Master’s in Business Administration and a Master’s in History. He completed most of graduate school while recovering from multiple major reconstructive surgeries between deployments, due to wounds sustained in combat operations. Following the fourth reconstructive surgery, doctors feared another operation would cripple him. He was awarded a full medical retirement at 31 years old with the rank of Major.

Jesse hit the ground running after retirement, helping to establish the nonprofit, The American 300 Warrior Tours, and serving as Executive Director of the 22-Fund. He went on to share his "Hard-Fought Wisdom" as a Business Professor in the Colangelo School of Business at Grand Canyon University, established and chairs the Military Advisory Board for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Olympic Team, and founded AM300 Solutions. Through AM300 Solutions, Jesse is humbled and honored to collaborate, speak, train, and consult with organizations including the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Olympic Teams, the U.S. Olympic National Training Center, TEDx, and numerous other high-performing teams and individuals in business, nonprofit, and professional sports. This "Process" is documented in detail in the upcoming book, The Phoenix Project: Hard-Fought Wisdom to Win scheduled for release in Fall of 2020.

He currently resides in Texas, but rarely stays in one place. He proudly recognizes his most significant accomplishments to date are his two daughters; Addison Denise Stewart and Camille Reese Stewart. He is also scheduled to marry Kara Romano in the Spring of 2021.

Jesse can be found on social media (all platforms) @am300phoenix.

AM300 Solutions can be located at

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This book was published by Elite Online Publishing, the brand-building publisher - write, sell, & market your book online. Elite Online Publishing helps busy entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals create, publish, and market their book, to build their business and brand. They are passionate about future authors sharing their stories, knowledge, and expertise to help others. Educate, inspire, and motivate others by telling your story.

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