Press Release / Art & Entertainment / Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity Misunderstood
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity Misunderstood
By Bruce Nappi on July 22 2015 | 1733 Views
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity does NOT describe the actual mechanics of the universe! Einstein himself said so. SPACE LATTICE THEORY by Bruce Nappi finally explains why. The entire world of
Jacksonville, FL, July 20, 2015 - In 1905, Einstein published a paper now called the Special Theory of Relativity. His purpose was to show that the concept, popular at the time, that the speed of light is CONSTANT for EACH OBSERVER, was nonsense. We know this because Einstein repeatedly said so. In fact, according to Auffray, Einstein destroyed his manuscript shortly after his paper appeared in print. But the press, and influential scientists, intent on defending their hasty misinterpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment, supported the “constancy of light” concept and led the physics community in conforming to it. This mistake has misled science for over 100 years. It requires denying many inconsistencies and creating absurdly complex theories to explain them. How about a 20 dimensional universe, the size of a pinhead, which magically appeared out of nowhere? Space Lattice Theory finally explains many of the puzzles of physics with simple visual explanations and no relativistic handwaving!
So how can Lattice Theory explain what Einstein did not? In Space Lattice Theory, Bruce Nappi provides a theoretical exploration for an entirely new foundation for the universe. This new foundation describes how matter, energy, force at a distance, space and time can be explained by one single principle - the Grand Unification. Nappi, an engineer and Director of the A3 Research Institute, has written a comprehensive and very readable paper that explains the fundamental structure of the universe with a new model that does not require any major changes to the traditional laws of physics. Rather than just providing formulas, Space Lattice Theory explains what causes matter, energy, gravity and electro-magnetics and supports the explanations with graphics that depict the principles involved. It explains the Big Bang, and how it happened in a simple 3-D universe, with no requirement to abandon the conventional concepts of physics. It finally answers puzzles like the particle-wave nature of photons, what causes time, why it always goes forward, and what produces “cause and effect”. But most important, the Theory actually listened to what Einstein said. Einstein presented Relativity as an INDIRECT proof – also known as proof by CONTRADICTION. He wanted to show how bizarre the universe and physics would become if “constant with respect to each observer” was taken as a premise. Unfortunately, nobody got the right message.
Space Lattice Theory starts with the principle that space is actually NOT mostly empty. Instead, it is densely packed with a very small object called an “Aa”. The Aas arrange themselves as a structured Lattice. That is, space is more like a crystal than an empty void. Due to major disruptions that occur periodically over the eons of time, very small defects scientists call “dislocations” occur throughout the lattice. It is these defects that create what we call matter. The major disruptions are what we call Big Bangs! In short, the structure of the universe is exactly opposite of what our intuition tells us: space is solidly packed, and matter is due to voids! Space Lattice Theory explains how matter travels through space, and explains how it converts into energy and back again. To make all of this easy for the non-scientist reader to understand, these explanations are done without mathematical equations. Pictures are provided that show what Aas might actually look like and how they behave. The descriptions explain all the objects and forces in the universe, including what causes forces at a distance like gravity, and nuclear, electric and magnetic fields. And in a real breakthrough, Space Lattice Theory provides a model for Grand Unification, describing how all of these behaviors can be caused by the single principle of the Aa.
About Bruce Nappi:
Founder/Director of the A3 Research Institute. Founder of the A3 Society. Eagle Scout on the 1965 North Pole Expedition. 40 years experience at the leading edge of high tech covering a very broad background in nuclear systems, robotics and instrumentation. Most recently focused on medical instruments and medical simulation training. In 2010, published two books to summarize major discoveries in sociology, psychology, and world sustainability. In 2013, founded the A3 Research Institute to gather people of like interests, to implement major discoveries in science, sociology and sustainability which underlie the A3 philosophy. In 2015, completed and published a major scientific paper which proposed a new structure for matter in the universe and presented a model for the Grand Unification of matter and energy. Mr. Nappi graduated with an MS from MIT in 1969 and currently lives in Massachusetts.
Contact and document availability
Bruce Nappi - bnanppi *at* A3RI *dot* org
The paper and a summary for non-technical audiences is available at .
The paper is also published at:
Bruce Nappi
The A3 Society
2614 Spreading Oaks Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32223
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