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Press Release / Technology / Ecosmob Announces Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Solution for Mid & Large scale Industries

Ecosmob Announces Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Solution for Mid & Large scale Industries

By julliepotter on March 06 2019 | 431 Views

Microsoft Dynamics 365 empowers you to modify your business for the Era of Intelligence by seamlessly consolidating CRM and ERP by Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud named Azure

Ecosmob Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a Microsoft Dynamics solutions consultancy and vendor which provides customers a vast range of IT solution focused on problem-solving and increasing effectiveness. Its experience and knowledge of working with Microsoft technology enable it to maximize client investments in ERP applications.
Ecosmob, the leading international provider of Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions for project result-driven businesses, today announced the industry’s first integrated Microsoft Dynamics solutions is purpose-built for organizations in search of a comprehensive cloud-based business management platform. These new capabilities are part of Ecosmob’s Projects+ for Dynamics 365 solution that provides best-in-class industry functionality, industry-specific BI, and industry top business practices for professional organizations and other project-driven businesses.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is Microsoft’s next-generation suite of intelligent cloud-based business applications. Formerly known as Microsoft Dynamics AX/NAV ERP and Dynamics CRM, the newly branded Dynamics 365 offers a suite of best-in-class business applications for sales, marketing, financials, operations, human capital management, and service automation. Microsoft Dynamics 365 natively runs on Microsoft’s industry-leading Azure cloud, and heavily leverages other market-leading cloud solutions from Microsoft, such as Office 365, PowerBI, and Cortana Intelligence, to drive productivity and intelligence throughout a client’s organization.

Focused in the Service Industries since 2008, Ecosmob has implemented more Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP for project-driven organizations than any other Microsoft consultancy. The organization provides industry-focused software solutions, consulting solutions, and best practices to architecture and engineering firms, IT and consulting companies, and marketing agencies, other result-driven organizations looking to transform how they engage their clients, execute their projects and optimize their talent.

While Microsoft is delivering an integration platform within the Dynamics 365 suite, Ecosmob’s integrated Dynamics 365 solution was designed to support specific use case scenarios that are unique to project-driven organizations. This allows customers to leverage Microsoft’s best-in-class functionality for CRM, professional services automation, financial management, human capital management, and operations in a way that is optimized for their industry. In addition to integrating data and processes across these applications, Ecosmob has also integrated navigation patterns and embedded BI to account for unique industry needs within project-based businesses.

“Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a true game changer in the business applications space”, stated Mr. Krunal Patel AVP Sales for Ecosmob’s International Operations “No other platform available today provides the depth of functionality, intelligence, and embedded productivity capabilities that are available in Dynamics 365. As Microsoft converges these solutions, we at Ecosmob ERP Software have the unique ability to leverage our deep industry knowledge in the professional software market to deliver industry-focused scenarios for our clients. Being the first to market with a solution for this industry will no doubt provide us with a competitive advantage within the Microsoft channel and beyond.”

About Ecosmob
Ecomsob’s 365 ERP, NAV, and CRM software experts engage to help enterprises easily adopt the 365 ERP, NAV, and CRM and AI solutions that can unblock many lucky avenues for your business.

Ecosmob Technologies founded in 2007 to supply its enterprise customers high-quality, enterprise-grade IT solutions and services. the company uses the latest technology to deliver a diffusion of services beside 365 ERP, NAV, and CRM solutions, AI applications, VoIP Solutions and Services, ML application, and blockchain solutions.

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