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Press Release / Technology / Ecosmob Announces Big Data Solution for Trending Business Opportunities

Ecosmob Announces Big Data Solution for Trending Business Opportunities

By julliepotter on June 06 2018 | 234 Views

With the proliferation of different type of devices, diversified social channels and user base, the data is growing exponentially.

Big Data does help business derive insightful intelligence in real time and VoIP’s huge data traffic is a mine of data waiting to be uncovered. Ecosmob offers big data solution for VoIP service providers to enhance their services even more.
Globally acclaimed for its trending VoIP technologies, Ecosmob announced big data solution for exploiting data traffic across VoIP channels and thus help VoIP carriers and service providers derive even more benefits.

Speaking on the occasion the company’s VP said that VoIP generates huge voice data traffic that is a veritable mine of information that, if used right, can help service providers gain intelligence to help them improve services even more. Ecosmob offers big data blended into its unified communication solution taking its VoIP solution to a higher level of sophistication. The big data incorporated UC not only helps VoIP service providers gain insights into hardware performance but also helps them to manage their infrastructure for better customer satisfaction. Big data helps analyze flows in usage in a hosted environment while providing statistics. Big data in VoIP UC environments helps derive insightful information about employee usage and behavior patterns that will help an enterprise address shortcomings and improve efficiency.

Ecosmob is known as one of the technically advanced unified communication solution providers and with good reason. The company innovates and always thinks of its clients. Telecom is becoming more competitive and VoIP service providers must operate on tight budgets and slim margins. Big data incorporated into UC performance management helps garner data on user trends, server usage and data usage trends to enable service providers to fine tune their strategies.

Big data melded into VoIP/UC has benefits from the security and fraud prevention perspective too. VoIP service providers know their clients are vulnerable to Spam, Spit and other attempts at security intrusions. Big data included into the software helps track and identify any such attempts which will result in better fraud prevention.

UC empowered with big data helps glean very useful data from recorded voice conversations using the inbuilt voice analytics feature of Ecosmob big data in UC implementation. Audio streams can be analyzed for specific instances or converted to text to find topics and their frerquency as well as context and then analyze the data. Audio analysis also helps managers find out level of emotion and address causes behind them.

Big data has huge potential as has been proved in other business areas. Ecosmob transplants the same concepts into VoIP operations to open up whole new ways of addressing challenges and becoming better. Their internal operations improve and their competitiveness improves as does customer satisfaction.

VoIP services interested in big data VoIP UC solutions may contact Ecosmob by phone 91 79 40054019, 1-303-997-3139, email or via website https:/

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