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Press Release / Technology / Ecosmob Announce IP PBX Solution for Businesses

Ecosmob Announce IP PBX Solution for Businesses

By julliepotter on April 17 2018 | 404 Views

Ecosmob, a global leader in VoIP technologies, launched IP PBX solution specifically for business and it offers a host of customizable capabilities as well as underpinnings of latest technologies.

Ecosmob Technologies, globally acknowledged as a VoIP technologies development company, announced the launch of IP PBX solution targeted squarely at businesses large and small all over the world.

Speaking on the event a representative said that any business, small or large, should definitely make the switch to IP PBX and to Ecosmob IP PBX solution and gain benefits. For one, businesses can save anywhere from 50 to 75% when they switch to VoIP telephony. Cost of calls, both local and international, go down by 40%. Conferencing, both video and audio, can speed up processes and bring a number of tangible and intangible benefits. Over 30% of businesses have shifted to IP PBX telephony with resultant productivity boost and cost reduction. The VoIP Based PBX solution even allows telecommuting and helps enterprises save costs and yet carry out all communication with increased productivity on the part of the remote workforce. In-house employees too save as much as 43 minutes per day when they make use of IP PBX and its integrated unified communication features while delivering better customer services. The benefits are endless and are backed by statistics, he said. Ecosmob offers total assistance to even small businesses to make the transition to IP PBX and gain all its benefits. Even a small firm with only 2 to 5 employees can benefit from Ecosmob IP PBX.

The latest iteration of Ecosmob PBX solution development incorporates the now currently popular WebRTC functionality and mobile integration in addition to its well established feature set. Apart from this the CRM integration has been refined. Ease of use is one of the attractive features and emphasis has been given to this aspect so that even a newly inducted employee can make use of all permitted features without spending much time on learning.

Ecosmob’s forte is customization. It can offer the PBX solution with limited telephony only features if a customer so desires it or as a total unified communication package to address virtually all requirements an enterprise may have including SIP, H.323, jingle and automatic speech recognition and remote phone integration in a robust, scalable package. Administrators will find the improved web interface much easier to navigate and to configure various options. As always, Ecosmob Technologies offers total support and modular solutions at most affordable rates.

Interested businesses are welcome to contact them on 91 79 4005401 or 1-303-997-3139 or via email, website

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