Press Release / Blogging & Social Media / Doug Pitassi Announces Publication of Exhaustive Review of Investors Underground
Doug Pitassi Announces Publication of Exhaustive Review of Investors Underground
By sulemaan on March 05 2016 | 1021 Views
A finance expert who regularly publishes consumer reviews, Doug Pitassi is announcing the publication of a new Investors Underground review.
After spending over a year as a subscriber with Investors Underground , Doug Pitassi is announcing the release of an exhaustive review of the day trading company’s investment products, services and systems of support. An expert investor who previously focused on penny stocks, Pitassi initially sought to accomplish nothing more than to sharpen his skills as a day trader. Upon experiencing the benefit of the educational resources and professional support available through the day trading community, Pitassi decided to remain involved for a longer period of time in order to conduct the Investors Underground review that he has now released for publication.
“I previously enjoyed what I would define as modest success as a day trader, and I did feel as though I had a solid understanding of day trading methodologies before I subscribed with Investors Underground,” said Pitassi. “After participating in the chat rooms and listening in on a few of the regular question-and-answer sessions, I quickly realized that there was room for improvement and decided to see what I could accomplish with a yearlong subscription.”
Pitassi felt particularly compelled to write an exhaustive and detailed review of the day trading community’s varied offerings after hearing Investors Underground erroneously described as an “alerts service” rather than a community of day traders providing ample educational resources and strategic planning assistance. In his review, Pitassi offers a clear definition and outlines the type of individual most likely to benefit from a subscription with Investors Underground.
“There are certain aspects of membership that are highly beneficial to a specific type of individual, so I made a point to discuss the opportunities that exist through Investors Underground along with the manner in which these opportunities align with specific investment goals,” said Pitassi. “Everything in the review is the result of my personal experience, but I did consult other members for information regarding their individual goals and how being a part of this day trading community influenced the achievement of those goals.”
About Doug Pitassi
Doug Pitassi is an entrepreneur and finance expert who has been particularly successful investing in real estate and penny stocks. An avid boater and the founder of, Pitassi frequently publishes consumer reviews relating to his specific areas of expertise.
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