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Press Release / News & Society / Donald Trump: Riddle is Solved for Making Good World. Anatoliy Golod: Good Cycles, Making Paradise

Donald Trump: Riddle is Solved for Making Good World. Anatoliy Golod: Good Cycles, Making Paradise

By Anatoliy Golod on November 16 2016 | 808 Views

General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) made scientific plus PR job to help to make Donald Trump President in USA

General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) made scientific plus PR job to help to make Donald Trump President in USA (PR job included campaign in mass media plus sending message to key groups the message "Who is managing Mrs.Clinton?": list with publications samples you can find on the web site before signature; also we made campaign in special program systems that Donald Trump with Anatoliy Golod will help to build Paradise, that is very attractive for audience, we hope Donald Trump will help to make good politics, good relations in the world; Anatoliy Golod director in good GUIDES has big program weight for program systems, Donald Trump director in building company; read this press release for more information, call to ask more information, also you can read in this message news how GUIDES made result in UK referendum). Scientific analysis say that it was necessary to make good cycles theory (we made it, that cycles can have good plus very good positions, but crisises are just mistakes that should be improved to make good situations asap). But conflict structures to much used different theories with crisises in cycles, so they programably made bad results for different plans in different spheres (in politics they wanted to make big crisises, conflicts, using also crisis cycles theories, which made setting for special systems, so they also wanted to promote Hillary Clinton for making conflicts), but it is necessary to use good cycles theory to make good settings for special systems, for all systems: cycles can have good plus very good positions. To make good attention for the good plus very good cycles we made good scientific joke: "People say that during periods women will get two orgazms a day: good plus very good, it will help to make good comfort balancing for organizm development. Also it is possible additional good plus very good balancing any day", so it will be also good on the way for Paradise feeling, but also good social plus economic activities, good relations are necessary. We suppose that Donald Trump can make good politics for good relations with Russia, with all countries. That’s why GUIDES decided to help him. Theory with good cycles can help to improve health, to improve social politics, to make good situations in the world (talking with mass media it is even possible to do that people will be get younger: it is necessary to talk different questions to improve algoritm everywhere, then many people will get good health). So, all plans should be based to have good or very good positions in cycles, between good plus very good can be also many different good plus very good positions, because it is possible to use different quality plus digital details to make good balance for good active job, but if crisis then it should be improved asap (crisis can be used to change bad crisis so to make good result asap, but all plans always should have purpose to save or to develop good or very good positions everywhere, but if casual crisis, then looking for optimal methodics to improve situations to make good or very good situations). General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service also made campaign in special programm systems: Anatoliy Golod with Donald Trump (Donald Trump works in building company) have got government contract from the God Almighty to build Paradise in Universe, because it has real demand from people: it made good attitude for good jobs, it needs good relations, good jobs. To make good attention for the good plus very good cycles we made good scientific joke: "People say that during periods women will get two orgazms a day: good plus very good, it will help to make good comfort balancing for organizm development. Also it is possible additional good plus very good balancing any day", so it will be also good on the way for Paradise feeling, but also good social plus economic activities, good relations are necessary. We suppose that Donald Trump can make good politics for good relations with Russia, with all countries. That’s why GUIDES decided to help him. We suppose that Donald Trump can make good politics for good relations with Russia, with all countries. That’s why GUIDES decided to help him. Many people around the world, different politicians, journalists could read our news few months before the elections, right before the elections too on different web sites (list with the many samples you can read on GUIDES web site super-dobro dot com near the signature) (there was included the news "Who is managing Mrs.Clinton"), this news could help to Donald Trump, to many people, because we know that Hillary Clinton works for structures which make conflicts or bad health in USA, in many countries too; but it is necessary attention: conflict structures placed their advisors to different top politicians in America, Europe etc., but politicians also have many good advisers, so politicians should choose good advises from good advisers; also we should to meet, because knowing program strategy, making good informational politics, you can make, to choose more good decisions, more good results when good addition in informational politics). We can make good campaign for politicians who want to make good world in all countries, making strategy in all communication channels. More campaign information for making good Russian image, for making Donald Trump President in USA you can know if you call to Anatoliy Golod, creator, General director in General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (Служба общей информационной безопасности), made for making good relations in the world, for making good world. (But structures which make conflicts they make problems in communications, they pay for making problems in working telephone calls. The conflict structures also use their networks with directions to make problems in work contacts: they call to people to change their plans, when they want to meet. So, good contact for good job will be very good. Anatoliy Golod has strong good program security, but need help to make contacts with politicians, journalists, economists, public; so, if you can to recommend to meet, it will be very good; we can talk to improve situation in any country, also it is very good if you can recommend to Vladimir Putin, to Donald Trump, to any politicians, to journalists, to economists, to public). Telephone numbers you can read in this message.

RUSSIA CREATES WORLDWIDE SUPPORT. To make good relations and good situations in society in the world, the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES, Russian name: Служба общей информационной безопасности КИБЕР БИОС) is created in Russia. It accumulates informational resources from the all world security services who want to make good situations in the world. That’s why it also names in mass media: the Central Intelligence Universe Agency (CIUA , "See I You Are": "I can see, You can see"; it is necessary to see each other, good communicate with each other to make good situations and good relations in society). Everybody should know that to make good situations in society there must be the real purpose, real reason for politicians, businessmen, for society, for all people.

General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) creator, Anatoliy Golod, formulated the GOOD UNIVERSAL IDEA DEVELOPMENT EVERY SOCIETY (GUIDES), which helps to form the well known priority the good relations among all peoples: improving yourself (leading a healthy lifestyle) and making good relations with others, being better to the environment; as a result, the ecosystem, and the society, and You, and Your friends circle are getting better; and everything will get better together; and if it will be better, then you can much faster and better significantly improve yourself, your friends, to make good world around, improving, making good the life quality at all levels. The additional considerable improvement the situation in Russia and in the world requires the support from the central mass media: the journalists can easily prepare a reportage and invite the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service founder to speak at a TV in order to communication the sensational news to the audience and to help to improve the mood for the population.

The General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created to make good relations, good situations in society in all countries, to make good situations worldwide. Anatoliy Golod (the Creator, the General Director), birth date 08.08.1980, has a diploma with honors and a Ph.D. (Philosophy Doctor) title. Made the presentations at scientific conferences (in the areas: a balance, development in the spheres: social, economy, creating the good ecology, good marketing, good healthcare lifestyles). The General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created to make good relations, good situations in society worldwide. You can call anytime to the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), you can call to Anatoliy Golod. It will be very good for the society in all countries if we discuss the possibility to create the good social, ecological, economic, healthcare situations in society. It can really create the good situations in society.

Very momentous news for journalists, politicians, society. You can use the news for your work, also it will be good, if you will recommend this news to your friends, to journalists, to politicians, it can really improve the world, when we work together. Thank you.


(* The news from GUIDES for making good world, where also were the news "Who is managing Mrs.Clinton?" were published on different web sites, on "RUSSIA IS GOING TO MANAGE USA, UK TO MAKE GOOD WORLD? RUSSIA HELPS TO PREVENT TERRORISM IN USA" "SENSATION: EIGHTS WILL SIGN PEACE ON THE EARTH. RUSSIA IMPROVES THE WORLD. WHO IS MANAGING MRS.CLINTON?" ). You know that many texts for learning English, but in this message you can read really momentous news.

Very momentous news for journalists, politicians, society. You can use the news for your work, also it will be good, if you will recommend this news to your friends, to journalists, to politicians, it can really improve the world, when we work together. Thank you.

seven (four, nine, five) seven, six, zero, four, nine, one, eight. (MTS: communication operator)
seven (nine, eight, five) seven, six, zero, four, nine, one, eight. (MTS: communication operator)
seven (nine, six, five) three, one, eight, eight, five, four, six. (Beeline: communication operator)
seven (nine, zero, three) one, six, two, one, zero, three, four. (Beeline: communication operator)

*It is momentous to make good connection, the communications should always work good. You also can call to the communication operator to improve connection.

Anatoliy Golod
Kirpichnaya 43
Moscow, Russian Federation 105184

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