Press Release / Education / Disruptive Education Technology Now Available for K8-12
Disruptive Education Technology Now Available for K8-12
By Bintell on October 15 2014 | 479 Views
THE FORMULA a new book launched by Bandit Publishing. This book is a rubix for applied engineering & sales / marketing.
THE FORMULA a new book launched by Bandit Publishing. This book is a rubix for applied engineering & sales / marketing wrapped in an entrepreneurial package that can be used by schools to increase scores in regents math, reading, writing, speaking & listening with heavy Common Core proficiencies included for grades 8 - 12.
THE FORMULA is at the same time a mathematical representation of the successful behavior of the creation of financial success, regardless on industry or product type. It is a macro level visual representation of successful business behavior across any and all industries. The value of such a tool is infinite. Leading psychologist & educators will tell you, People perform best in life when they have models of behavior that work to imitate in their own daily lives.
THE FORMULA is designed to give your students a social, economic & academic model of behavior to imitate that will produce success with guaranteed results!! FULL YEARS COURSEWORK. Teacher Professional Development Available.
Installation options: STEM, Entrepreneurial Elective, After School Program Entrepreneurial Club, P Tech, Business Elective, College Outreach Program, Suspension Programs, College Prep., Homeroom Supplemental Curriculum, Alternative Education, etc.
For complete package information, please go to SUCCESS4MULA.COM
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