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Press Release / Blogging & Social Media / Development history of mineral industry in China

Development history of mineral industry in China

By skymaggie on May 10 2012 | 705 Views

Development history of mineral industry in China

For the mineral industry, the period from the founding of the new China to the completion of the First Five-Year Plan was a stage of vigorous development. In this period, the stress of the national construction was laid on the heavy industry and agriculture, so the mineral exploration and development work was carried out, taking mineral energy resources, raw materials for the iron-steel industry and raw materials for chemical fertilizers of agricultural use as the main targets.

At that time, the mineral exploration and development activities were unfolded in two aspects: one is to make a survey of the resources of the existing mines so as to create resource prerequisites for the restoration and expansion of the production of the old mines; the other is to undertake geological exploration in the new prospects with more favorable ore-forming geological conditions with the aim to find out new mineral occurrences, so as to provide new bases of mineral raw materials for constructing new mines and expanding the sale of mineral development. Thanks to the arduous efforts of the workers engaged in the mineral industry, not only a large number of mines such as the Anshan Iron Mine, Kailuan Coal Mine, Datong Coal Mine and Jiangxi Xihuashan Tungsten Mine restored and developed their production, but also a group of large mineral deposits including the world-ranking Shizhuyuan tungsten deposit of Hunan, Dexing copper deposit of Jiangxi, Bayan Obo rare earths deposit, Panzhihua iron deposit of Sichuan, Kunming phosphate deposit of Yunnan, Jinduicheng molybden deposit of Shaanxi and Karamay oilfield of Xinjiang were discovered. What is worthy of special attention is that major discoveries and progresses were made in uranium mineral exploration, which laid a foundation for the development of the nuclear industry.

In this period, as a result of substantial and fruitful mineral exploration work, the resource prospectives of old mines were expanded, a large number of mineral occurrences evaluated, some new varieties of mineral resources discovered, and the number of the mineral resources varieties with explored reserves increased from 2 in 1952 to 74 in 1957 (including 4 varieties of energy mineral resources, 27 varieties of metallic mineral resources and 43 varieties of nonmetallic mineral resources), thus energetically promoting the vigorous development of the mineral production and the mineral processing industry. Consequently, the outputs of principal mineral products and their processed products increased by a big margin. In 1957, China produced 131 million tons of raw coal, 1.46 million tons of crude oil, 19.37 million tons of iron ore, 5.35 million tons of steel, 5.541 tons of gold, 151,000 tons of chemical fertilizer, 633,000 tons of sulphuric acid, 6.858 million tons of cement, 4.298 million wt. cases of plate glass and 8.277 million tons of salt.

These outputs were 1.36-35.6 times those in 1949, respectively.Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,classifier,mobile crushing station Welcome all of you to visit our official website.shaking concentrator:

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