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Press Release / Technology / Helps Developers & Hobbyists Build Internet of Things Helps Developers & Hobbyists Build Internet of Things

By popar58 on January 25 2019 | 213 Views is helping these future design engineers make things that connect to a website, android applications by providing the development tools affordably.

Southampton, PA - A quick look at technology in the last decade makes it clear that innovation is at its peak today. Back then aspiring IoT developers were are rarity and access to high-quality and impeccably designed Arduino kits were near impossible. While electronic makers have given developer hobbyists an easier way to get the tools and equipment they need, most people are still unfamiliar with the concept surrounding the Internet of Things or IoT.

What Is An Arduino?

To better understand how the IoT, Arduino kits must first be explained. The best and easiest way to describe the Arduino is to think of it as a micro-computer. It is composed of an open-sourced hardware that functions with the help of a software. Electronic makers such as have created Arduino kits that help hobbyists bring their creations to life. These kits come in a variety of complexities that range from levels that challenge expert IoT developers and kits that are perfect for building a robot with kids.

Different Arduino Projects Worth Trying

Since there are different kits available using Arduino, there are so many possible DIY projects. Developer hobbyists and even tech classes in both grade school and high school can have some fun using this piece of technological marvel. These are the projects worth trying as recommended by the engineers at

The Arduino Robot is one of the most popular projects both novice and experienced developers are most excited to create using their kits. Each robot can be programmed to function uniquely to set each one apart and to challenge everyone involved. What is the point of learning how to use Arduino if you can’t build a robot?

Closely following the popularity of robots are the Arduino Cars. Anyone experimenting with the world of robotics and technology will be excited to learn that they can learn how to program an Arduino car using their very own kit at home. For those who prefer something a little quieter yet also very complicated, programming a master chess game using one of the kits is the perfect project for you.

Design, program, and print your very own droid. Fans of the Stars Wars Saga will surely want to give this very complicated and advanced Arduino DIY project a try. Having a 3-D printer is optional, but it does help if you want to stray away from BB8 or R2-D2 as your droid.

Sourcing Your Arduinos

Check out for the different Development Boards for IoT projects and Arduino Wifi Shield & Kits available. There’s always something for everyone who wants to dabble in the Internet of Things. Novice and serious hobbyists will find an Arduino to challenge their skills here. The best thing about using as a source for all things Arduino is the 15-day money back guarantee which means you can try the kit in person and send them back without any issues.

In the words of’s founder, Mr. Goszyk: "With the help of, everyone can become a developer hobbyist at the comfort of their own home."

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