Press Release / Computer / Data Migration should be simple, but rarely is.
Data Migration should be simple, but rarely is.
By Dirk Roeleveld on December 22 2015 | 493 Views
In the world of corporate IT, a major risk factor comes from the inevitability that technology moves fast. give corporate IT the tools to do it right.
Data Migration should be simple, but rarely is.
In the world of corporate IT, a major risk factor comes from the inevitability that technology moves fast. In a risk adverse culture, we daily have to integrate old with new, and make legacy data system run seamlessly alongside state-of-the art technologies.
In fact, the inability to mix old and new is a major reason my corporate empires fall behind - tethered to the corpse of last-years investment.
Until recently, their were 2 choice for ’Data Migration’: Either lump it yourself, or hire a hugely expensive consultant to do the work for you - and accept that they will be billing you for monthly maintenance for the next 10 years.
Data Migration Lab ( is a new player in that marketplace. Their offering is stunningly simple: give corporate IT the tools to achieve data-migration quickly and verifiably by themselves.
Their first offering - C# CSV Reader is just a taster of what is to come. It overcomes the weaknesses of the CSV file format, which inevitable occur with database dumps and even live pipeline.
The release software is free for developers to play with - and downloadable from:
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